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My ungrateful husband

Chapter 5 Did i just say cute!

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 19/03/2023

ause reality is,i didn't get a chance to sleep sin

o close relatives i can relay on...all of them were distant relatives and am su

so tight to calm me down and it really helped cause i don't know

nd bid their farewell and just like

up with a final decis

really not sure

it's either a yes or no...so which o

yways i thought about it and i finally decided t

ng to say is that,you accepted to be hi

ss we are getting

ou and please don't worry about anything,am sure he's going to

cause i don't take this as a real wedding....we are

i smell love between you two very soon....oppss

hand...what's wrong w

is leaving right

ause if he is leaving t

ou he is leaving so you can get your ass from that seat and go ov

need to do that

ou accepted if you don't talk to him huh!!??"

be right back." i stood up and ran after h

a second please?" i asked him as he w

.what's up?

.can we first sit somewhere convenient...i me

t over there." he pointed at som

et's hear it.

ehow managed to decide and i think you should start thinking of the wedding day cause we are getting married...i acc

er...Ciara i know it was hard to decide but,am going to do everything in my powe

it??" i

ill be awkward if i don't have my wi

." he gave me his phone and i can't believe h

told him i had to go back

and we talk about the wedding preparations ca

l be waiting for

he pulled me in a hug and since he was a bit taller than me,i f

kinda found peace in his embrace and

pted and in that case we are both going to save the company and your da

l we are going to be hugging more often since w

get going...see you tomorrow at

went back to meet Clare and am sure she saw us hugging cause she was just a few meters from wh

e rest of the day and i can't blame her

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