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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1041    |    Released on: 20/03/2023

lly happy and relieved to get away from this womanizer. He was scary and annoy

comforted me sarcastically, I r

should ruin the

, he des

ry whenever I want, it's an advantage for me to use for different situations. Once, I had to cry in front of m

added vilely, and I nodded fra

exclaimed and sh

at happened?" He s

zer." I pursed

ng machine. We were alone in the relaxing room, most stude

sweets that I wanted to and he got himself a coffee, I can't understa

sychologist, we took a seat in the auditorium for our next class, I s

w am I going to do that when he doesn't listen to me?!" I si

sy bitch." He frowned a

, he's s

ng a glare toward me, he still doesn't understand that he can't take

ssor yelled, banging the table with his book on the w

grace." He bowed at the man who was sitting earlier with his phone, oh that's right he's the Prince best friend and also his co

He chuckled to light up the tension, he was hot not handsome like Rhyker and Ashton but not my style. I think he wil

o barged into the auditorium. He looked at the crowd and once our eyes met he waved at m

roduced himself to us. We bowed at them fo

." Roman started with a strong and loud voice. At the end of the semester we have to submit our application to a company f

sor sent a brief resume to his meeting. They contacted me and proposed an internship, but I'm sti

agical physician." Ashton continued as he leaned back on the chalkboard smoothly, his face had a rested

ier so that we can revise your admission." Roman suggested with a gentle smile, he

y as he smirked proudly when he watched the anxious gaze of the students, making them feel


for you. Fighting!" Roman chuckled nervously while holdi

o disrupt your lesson." He said apologeti

d and Roman smiled as we bowed to them a

harshly Roman while he was shaki

with two most overbearing peop

id, with empathy, I also do. He's stu

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