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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 844    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


ything, although sometimes I do, it's not me, I swear, or maybe it is me. But the more of the treatment I take the more I feel emotionally vulnerable, I feel like I'm a baby, that's the

was nice to my nanny this morning, when I woke up, I allowed her to help them get ready for classes, we only wear our uniform, it has the facility logo on it, it's bland and white, no c

he treatment affects those too, my hair is now mousey brown, at one point it went to muddy black, but back to the brown colour. Others have pink and purple hair, I don't envy them really, I hate the colour pink, purple is nice though, I don't think I have a favourite colour yet, I have never

space, how safe it is to be there, about trust, and about us being so luck

s curious about it all, I just wanted to go there, but my dreams were crushed around when I was nine when everyone's CG started to message them and I didn't. When they received gifts, when they received attention, while my nanny told me that I'm such a

a king, or at least that's the best comparison to earth, he's the one in charge of everyone, they all respect him. Next comes the people, they live their lives normally similar to our earthly life, there's job and money, there ar

class, I wasn't threatened to be sent to the corner not even once, instead every time I misbehaved the teacher looked worried and concerned, it was kind of funny and I was pushing my luck with them. We were all sent to have o

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