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The Church's Grim

Chapter 5 The Curse of the Deathless Death.

Word Count: 3807    |    Released on: 21/03/2023

o Impson, who was petting him. Agatha sat in her luxurious chair and sat staring at

. Your right eye holds your "knowledge." By taking your eye, Amon can steal away some of your memori

n this wretched place." she said s

lk about her prince, and how he was coming to rescue her." Agatha said

mountains, where they happened upon an abandoned cabin. My mother delivered me here. However, she died in the process. My mother was not a nice wi

h to have ever been. If you fail me daughter, then may my soul drag you down to hell with me.

er and the nearest village was a seven day walk. My sister was desperate, she tore through our mothers' belong

hat my sister needed. She rush

Within the center of a pentagram. She flipped open the book and began to recite a

She cut her wrist and dripped blood onto the symbol of the goat, and the fireplace went out. A few moments passed. A blue flame slowly began to smolder and burn inside of the fireplace. A loud howl b

ned and knelt to pick me up. He brushed the afterbirth from my face and kissed my forehead. He whispered something in my ear and set me down on

ys. We will meet again. Thank you for the knowle

ck into the fireplace. Agnes sat there with me all night smiling.

ce mentioned to me. Was magic. I never knew my sister and ma were witches. I had no idea that I was a witch. If there is one thing a demon is good at. It is sticking to a contra

ee. She had been stashing anything related to magic within this tree. I found out about my mother's old coven, and I made my way down the

to me. The coven had banished me also. As fate would have it though, another witch was also

as I walked over to of

apped. She grabbed me by the arm and i

hile I looked up at the clouds dancing past. I broke out laughing. I c

"Why are ya getting kicked out anyways

a boisterous la

am nine hundred and eighty-eight years old." The woman s

What are ye, like six

and a half

e to stay young la

ing to stay he

reya, what is yours?" she asked me a

I replied. We walked

rests and across rocks in streams. The entire time I struggled to keep up with her. It is funny to look back at her crazy antics and my

amount of land thick in spruce trees which hid her house from the world. A wi

rinkets were scattered on every surface alongside tomes and scrolls. It was an amazing remarkable sight. I a

, and the creatures that stalked it. During this time, I had really slacked on my physical training. I forgot my martial arts

o siphon life from me. No one else was around and her age was catching up with her. No matter how hard I pleaded with her to stick i

had to me, her land, wealth, her vast magical collection. I mourned Freya for many years by reading every book, scroll, tome, and jour

living world. I needed to find something that would not decay over time. I traveled the world for years learning skills and trades. I took all the golden relics a

heated it up to reform it. I formed the glass gently into a sphere. Once I was comfortable with the way the sphere fit into the gold enclosure. For the glass I fast and pray

ndered purgatory. I would never have to fear it decaying. If I stored it somewhere safe, in theory. I could not live in purgatory forever, and still come home alive. The only thing I needed was so

ail. I had to make sure that once I summoned the demon, he would not be able to break free. I drew up plans and obsessed over them for year

nter of the room. The blood flowed down the lines and met in the center. The symbol of the fly that I drew could be seen sucking up the blood. The symbol began to glow red, and it flowed down the rest of the lines until the enti

you as soon as I get out of this

A gust of air shot out from m

ot afraid of you." I said confi

a century. You will not be getti

slimy wet thud. The weight of him swayed the seco

ned over onto his side and rest his head onto his fist. I was finall

sores popped on its skin. He wore soft-looking grey pants. Tiny fly feet could be seen poking out of the bo

the action now. My favorite soap opera is getting interesting." The de

on Lucifer. I know he stole two of y

am going to purgatory. Alive so that I will

" He roared

dead and the damned roam and wait."

ing to get my wings back and have my power restored. Well, any

rms to hold his massive weight as he adjusted. I was shocked his arms

t to Lucifer? He is the most powerful of the damned, made even more so by the two wings he stole from me. How could a mortal like you possib

orship? I am sure you have heard of the curse Saint peter placed on purgatory. I am sure you have heard of these Church

an!? GRIMS!?" He rolled

in purgatory. Those who are trapped and forced to fight. Do not last awfully long. The odds of you

who still fig

His head twitched and froze for

orts once he found out how he was using the church." I

Beelzebub roare

o you know he still fights in purgatory?" He asked, his h

saw the weight of the title Freya held. The words made Beelzebub shoot up off the ground in an instant. His tongue flicked and his head returned

something off and familiar." He howled and squirmed. The puss filled

oly place, you should help me." I said, a winning smile spread across

e killed in an instant if any of the others found out I bent to a huma

ch over my soul here in eternity. A contract will be formed. So, none ma

ll swear loyalty to me until the days your pathetic live

anks is the Goblin King, Impson." He raised h

ld stash you away and watch over you for eons. I could even split Impson and keep a

moment and acc

t you free once the contr

scroll of paper appeared in his hand. He wav

r name witch

." I an

ur contract. Sign on the

was gone. I had not planned on him slipping out through use of the contract. However, in his place was Impson. Impson was fierce a

t. It is within this vault my soul would be sealed." I explained

ng my soul from my chest and sealing it away in this sacred relic. I will need you to take this and hide away with it. By the contract you were assigned to me by. If you are found, you must fight until your last breat

ront of me holding the g

awaiting your safe arrival in purgatory." The demo

hat is how I met Impson, and that is why I need your help

shock. Such a thing sounded preposterous but I was si

hemoth and picked him up. I caught a glimpse of his reflec

and I'm down." I said while I plac

emon, and your right e

the silence and sent a shiver down my spine. It had already been a long day. I was tired

that out." I was about to say

h. Moments later a loud bang from thunder clapped through the air. We ran out of t

were flickering in and ou

are of those demons." Impson said, he straig

interesting." Agatha smiled her devili

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