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The Church's Grim

Chapter 7 The Victory King.

Word Count: 4010    |    Released on: 21/03/2023

?" I

ical to the descriptions my people would des

fell and joined with his long grey beard. He had no eyes. A scar was over his right eye, but the left was just missing. He wore a green tunic complete with a green hat. A brown eyepatch

ain and formed a semi-circle. The half handle was made from pure gold.

he man spoke in a d

or a few moments before dive bombing the man. The raven lunged claws first at the man's face and tore into his left

in to her coffin and turned to flee. Before she could t

mons and it led us straight here. We did not mean to startl

lders and laughed as he brought

spered. The sound of the unfamiliar voice made me jump. A

r fart?" Father Felipe

and then continued towards Fenrir w

ground with his legs crossed and ran his fingers under

That is right. The day we killed our first one wing. Two hundre

ars ago. I wasn't sure if I could handle that burden. The reality of why they call the "Grim curse

down I knew. I didn't want to leave Fen

are gone. Impson had reapp

e still have a stranger amo

imself and punched his fist i

n burst out laughin

Victory. This is Huggin my great beast of thoug

rough the long grey beard hair. I was filled with excitement! I was star struck. The Odin was here in pu

mon thing. I can no longer ca

emon that Agatha mentioned. Odin's right e

oked towards Fenrir worried. He was layi

a two-winged demon Afterall." O

How I became the King of Vikings, and how Amon ruined it all." O

d interject. Odin was

m rich mountain. Gold flowed through our city. Above our kingdom which stood for centuries A mighty giant tree. The width was over

ghts all through out the kingdom. Before long people started calling me a "Viking." It was short for the Victory King. The cheers and praise fed my pride. By the time my father died, and I became king. I was u

s wood. A lot of my people were upset, but I did not care. I was the king. I was

. A large black sail with the head of a dark purple wolf sewn into it flapped in a gentle breeze. The head of the ship was a hand carv

red men and women who would become my "Vikings and Valkyries." My own son Thor was the winner of the overa

ix. The kingdom called him "Giant Slayer" because he would often fight th

fell by our hands. We conquered territories and far away lands. Ship after ship of slaves and good

crawny. He had short black hair with a stained white strip down the side. He was very smart and good with his words. He hated to get his hands dirty and would

it solid land. We looked down into the depths of the darkness and could see multiple serpents slithe

round the deck trying to avoid being crus

udly as the pressure built. We were locked firmly in the krake

egan to mumble. My pride was on the li

grabbing people and pulling them down into the water below. Screams and blood were fly


ut out my own eyes. I presented them as

we will stop raping foreign lands." I swo

y hand. I felt the sucker from one of its tentacles as it latched on and accepte

g! Our wise king is vict

grab my arm. He dabbed the blood

d us father."

hug when a loud roar broke out. The ship began

eard loud bangs and pops, and the kraken walloped our

an breathe. What magic is thi

happening." I b

wimming with a few of the tentacles gently caressing the bubble. Something is coming into view. It looks lik

hem. The kraken stopped fifty feet above the circle formation and wound up its tentacle and chucked the bubble with our ship inside thr

ade my way to the entrance to the old mines. I had Thor lead my to the entrance but wanted to go alone from there. Since I spent my entire life in these mines and on this mountain, I was comfortable with wandering it b

sh of air move past me. I felt countless ti

muscles in the hopes my loud voice and

es spoke in perfect harmony. One had


t beast of thought."

at beast of memory" T

so you could conquer f

ur people. You failed as

be like poison." They whispered in

to me? I wish I could see where

f you promise to replace our h

d feel two beaks as they pecked into my empty eye sockets. They forced there way into my skull, and I blinked. When I open

looked cursed. The sight of my gaze filled me with sorrow. For the first time I looked at the wrinkles on my skin and the

y a great beast." Huggin and Munnin sai

ed the voices. They were co

sage to purgatory. We each blessed yo

stand." I conf

down the mountain towards my kingdom. Smoke was billowing from the courtyard of my

to taste the livi

danger." M

that I ran right past the exit to the mines I had taken to get up here.

our blessings, y

how Huggin knew my thoug

beast of thoug

hen he was a young boy he would get in brawls with other boys in the courtyard. By the time he was ten years old he was wre

st from his left eye socket and took flight. It flew behind

gold spear with half of a handle. I

as we ran through a b

sight, we could form a perfect

ard from all directions as it echoed off of the mountain. I could see the demons in more detail now. They were all about thirt

fight against beasts li

arriors that you yourself handpicked. How many bat

yard and watched in horror as demons were grabbing my Vikings and Valkyries and eating them. I

to me. I ducked and barely mi

d slammed the head of it into the demons side. Thunder echoed through the courtyard fro

I grabbed the golden spea

towards the gate. Bowmen, keep raining arrows down on t

to a handful of beautiful white flames that danced in the cou

h out!" Thor

t and intercepted the blow with his axe. He held the demon's strength back. The s

ing me to see my son lik

hering the survivors together in the center of the courtyard. We had lost thirty-nine out of the one hundred Viking and Valk

oki, and I, were gone. Seconds later the loud thump and thuds of u

his madnes

right now." Huggin and

in a red robe was walking towards us, bu

s lot wasn't worth the journey here." Amon sp

wl. White and gray feathers joined to form two large wings upon his back. Thousands of eyeballs of different colors were sewn into each of the feathers. Each eye

id as he swaggered his way over to us. His left eye was a golden amber c

as he charged the d

n!" I called

egistered. Amon plucked out Thor's right eye. He held

d his wing and it sent Thor's head flying towards my feet. It landed and rolled until i

s were poking into my right eye. Feathers began to fly ev

ssing from a great beast?" Amon

dibly fast and powerful. With all those eyes he could probably

ollect eyes. Here is mine." I heard a moist p

orth it after all. I really like this kingdom. I have

oki was clearly no longer on my side.

g lad. Can we kee

lons dig into my shoulders. A moment later and I felt weightless. Huggin has grabbed me, and we were flying off deeper into purgatory. We landed in a den

e past six hundred years trying to build

the village by the time he had finished his story. Impson made

with Amon and how she lost her right eye to him. Felipe and Grace snuggled up in a chair together

Agatha asked. She had been s

back. I need my magic.

mon together." A devilish g

. Odin can get Munnin back. Then I might ha

ilently for a few moments befor

oing to k

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