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Marked By The Alpha's son

Marked By The Alpha's son


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1653    |    Released on: 23/03/2023


ying to clear out the blur, the loud knock on my door came ag

or, unlocking it and pulling it open to see my k

if you have woken up and also, breakfast is read

utes to 7:00 and I had thirty minutes to get ready. I quickly da

ight because I always have issues with making out

o the mirror to do my hair. I gently but quickly b

tes to have my breakfast and hit the road to work and thank God that mom a

the strip club wasn't too far from my house so I woul

as I stopped on my track and took a deep breath. There was no need pretending

ed in a weak tone as

p i

he club and as usual, everywhe

en new bartenders which means that we will be ten here and ten bartenders at the oth

be going home at night!" I muttered,

tion?" He ask sassily as I

arted with a bad impression. I doubt they will ever make

t today, I am just relieved that work stress around here will b


ly stressed out but it paid off good. Lots

mbling inside the kitchen and on a normal day I would go in an

icked my flat shoes off my feet as I

day off from work an

t to give in to sleep whe

e beside my bed, it was a text from an unknown number which I fo

ence, my breath hitche

, Love, se

t to believe that the text was from the person I think it is but at the same time, it could

he consider informing me, what cou

linked my eyes rapidly at the insane idea of crying as I

eing him in my dreams and I have also done my best to convince my parents that a

eeled my wounds open reminding me of him again. I felt tears stre

y family than cry over a man" I muffled ou

room to see everyone sea

s bagel. "You didn't say hi to anyone when you came back, what is

k. I won't be working in shifts anymore, I would have

eyes are red" my mom pointed

on! Let's eat. I am ravenously hungry rig

ill I follow you both to the cafe?

colorful needs… Now, you will keep quiet and eat" I snapped as she frowned, turni


ly too. Behind the counter was filled up just like Jame

n one another for decades, sales ran smooth

d you please give me a drink you would take as a lady?" A redhead lady requested calmly

has a fruity taste but it gets you tipsy if you ta

I am not much of a drinker"

some ice cubes. "Here you go, it's fifty dolla

, I watched as she sipped the drink

ell was so strong and not that pleasant to the nose. She definite

ght as I turned to her in surprise of why she was excited. "Get your bag,

e till night to work and I can't just l

ing me lots of love ever since I started working here. She asking to take me out i

as agreed to give you a day off" She said as my eyes

im, I mean, what was

akes Jill a dull girl. I see that you work a lot and you don't make time for yourself, that'

caring so mu

walking me out of the building. "Do you even have a boyfriend? When was the last

be reminding me of h


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