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Marked By The Alpha's son

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1581    |    Released on: 23/03/2023


as I raised my head to see everyone staring at me cluelessly, my dad h

" My father abruptly asked as

te a pup in front of me, don't you think

dess hates you so much that she gav

, just shut

ssly romantic, you're a narcissistic mother fucker" Rio sneered as I angrily s

meal! Please, son sit down and finish your

Mom" I uttered and snapped at

t you send him some well experienced men t

morrow by 12pm" I replied a


y told me earlier. I wasn't sure if I should believe that she is pregnant but her facial expression read seriousn

tear her apart but on a second thought, I caused it all. I wasn't there f

heart aching, imagining such is a nightmare and all I wanted to do was trace t

waited for a cab and then after a few minutes, I found her talking and laughing with a guy. She

with ever since we broke up?

queen. I could swear that I was jealous and that's a feeling I have never felt befor

her. If she doesn't want to come back to me peacefully, if she doesn't give me the o

s actually Pregnant and also get rid o

m the reason she is visiting the hospital and I don't feel

ondered what could be keeping her so long insi

ade my veins pop out in ang

with a wide smile on her lips as she ma

ing by following his car with intention of


ence, his scent was so close and… I don't want to accept that it still makes me

oughts of Killian Wesley as I tied

needed an alone time. Ever since Killian appeared from wherever h

hours and he is alre

my mattress and hissed loudly,

thought audibly to myself as I subconscious

as sure that I saw him leave, I watched his car till it was out of sight so… Or could it be that I was just

umped on my bed holding my hair tightly

ind my door as I quickly jerked up, when did they get

ally go

ed again as I quick

or. "I didn't hear you guys come back, welcome home" I said, faking a sm

t plaster on your arm?" She asked pointi

lf treated… No big deal" I lied as she shaked her head, obviously in doubt. "for Christ sake mom,

she said as I shut my doo


giving lists of items my mom wrote down for me

for work and all thanks to Annette cause I really needed

ed out to be three hours, I woke up by 11am and started my morning rout

ressed for the mall. At that moment, I wished Ja

and met with that of a man in a white Toyota Camry holding a camera up obviously takin

hat I do not have enemies or anyone that might want to hurt me I decided to wave the feeling of

ediately, the mall was just a five minutes drive so we

lacking quite a lot so the list was long. I also had some personal th

and after packing up my items I got four bags

a familiar figure standing by a black Benz car and operating on his phone l

nced that he i

y cold voice uttered as he


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