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My Sins

Chapter 3 First Day

Word Count: 1652    |    Released on: 26/03/2023

f my eyes. After being awake until four in the morning from nerves, I hadn't slept as long as I wanted. I just hoped I could

eater but instead opted for a baggy sweatshirt and leggings. I threw my frizzy, curly hair up into a bun and left my dorm at 8:00 to insure that I made it to

ass was Intro to Omegas. When I finally found it I kept walking, too anxious to w

student that arrived at the school, they had to introduce themselves

again. I forced saliva down my instantly dry throat and my eyes snapped from person to person in the neatly placed desks.

young omega teacher. I gulped, please don't make me give a speech in front of the class about my

erfect time, it's still the beginning of the schoo

in the back of class. I only looked up from pretending to to text someone on my

of papers. She crouched down next to my desk and gave me a brief description of each packet and where I could find the video to fill them out. I nodded along and tried to remember e

I quietly thanked the teacher on the way out and rushed back to my dorm. My next class was at 1:00, it was about what I would experience as an omega in

evil, created my the devil. How could I survive another class, nevertheless a whole year here?


asses were pointless. I already knew everything they told me by a quick google search when I first found out I was an omega. If I can successfully teach myse

teps got slower as I neared the cafeteria and heard the volume of the laughing and chatter. I shoved the heavy door open and was almost b

r how hard I pleaded for them to move towards the door. I finally gave into temptation and looked at the golden haired, ocean eyed

lking to me. I quickly shoved away these alien feelings and turned to make my way b

blonde curls bounce as he made his way over to

fronted and didn't make a list of any topics to talk abo

, why is he always this happy? What is so funny? "Why didn't

red congratulating myself on hav

re you classes so far? You're new right? Have you tried the bar

fine, no I haven't had the wings yet and no I'm not a vegetarian." I silently cursed myself. I

r with all the best food. He ushered me outside and laid out our food on a cute picnic table outside. He plopped and dug in giving me a questionable look when I just stoo

e me feel this way. I guess I would have to look into that l

grinned when he got my

to lick the juice off it my fingers to realize that the pretty stranger was watching me. If it was anyone else I was sure I would be creeped out but when he did it..

dy. He swept our empty plates up in his arms, "Come on let's get you

Marina said about how the only kids who lived there were rich kids or people who needed their own space.

the campus. I decided to depart from him at this point although my heart was smitten with him, my brain still worked in overtime and it didn't

he beamed, "s

ds my dorm when I realized

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