heinous and d
done in
the serpent, ha
e, to taste th
aven; for what
eing, or dece
things wis
Satan to at
ength entire and
ave discovere
s of foe or s
w, and ought to ha
tion, not to ta
ed; which the
could they less
in sin, dese
en from Para
uards ascended
f his state by
how the subtle
n. Soon as th
ved at Heaven-g
ard; dim sadnes
estial visage
iolated not
w-arrived, i
people ran, t
They towards the
made haste, t
plea, their u
proved; when
er, from his
nder uttered
els, and ye P
ful charge; be
these tidings
cerest care co
tely what woul
empter crossed th
he should pre
rand; Man sho
out of all,
Maker; no de
to necessit
lightest mom
, to her own
. But fallen
that the morta
ssion,-death de
umes already
et inflicted,
te stroke; but
o acquittance
not return as
to judge them?
? To thee I h
ether in Heaven,
be seen th
e with justice
his Mediator
and Redeem
n himself to ju
ather; and, un
ht hand his gl
unclouded D
all his Fa
thus divinely
nal, thine
eaven and Earth
thou in me, th
t well pleased.
y transgressours;
, the worst on
all be; for
nd, not repent
t I may mitig
d; yet I sha
ercy, as may i
tisfied, and
shall need, nor
the judgement,
third best abse
ight, and reb
the serpent
rom his radian
al glory: Him Th
nd Domination
o Heaven-gate
the coast, i
ed straight; th
though with swift
sun in weste
gentle airs, du
rth now waked
; when he, from
Judge, and Int
: The voice of
n the garden,
ars, while day dec
resence hid th
es, both man and
thus to Adam
, Adam, wont w
far off? I m
hus entertaine
uty ere while a
what chance det
h him Eve, more
untenanced both,
n their looks,
ther; but ap
d perturbatio
tinacy, and ha
tering long, thu
n the garden,
naked, hid m
udge without r
t hast heard, an
oiced; how is
thee? That tho
Hast thou eat
hee charge thou
Adam sore b
evil strait t
udge; eithe
otal crime,
f, the partn
while her faith
eal, and not
int: but str
and calamito
ad both sin a
should I hold m
ly detect wh
om thou madest
as thy perfect
hand I could s
did, whatev
emed to just
f the tree, a
ovran Presenc
od, that her
ce? or was she
r but equal
ign thy manhoo
t thee above h
whose perfecti
real digni
ed, and love
thy subjection
under governme
ear rule; whi
dst thou known
id, he thus
t is this which
, with shame ni
on, yet not b
cious, thus a
e beguiled, a
Lord God hear
he proceeded
gh brute; una
him, who made
and pollute
ion; justly
in nature:
an, (since he n
is offence; y
t in sin his
ious terms, judg
pent thus his
st done this, t
le, each beast
y groveling t
eat all the d
and the wom
etween thine
uise thy head, th
is oracle,
Son of Mary,
like lightning,
ir; then, risin
palities and P
and, with as
d captive th
elf of Satan,
tread at last
ow foretold hi
an thus his se
I will grea
ion; children
h; and to thy
bmit; he over
hus judgement
hearkened to the
the tree, con
aying, Thou shalt
ound for thy sak
eof, all the d
thistles it shal
shalt eat the he
thy face shalt
rn unto the gr
nd wast taken,
art, and shalt
n, both Judge a
troke of death, d
; then, pitying
aked to the
ange, disdaine
e form of serv
hed his servan
of his fam
with skins of
e with youthfu
t much to clot
outward only
inward nakedn
ith his robe o
red from his F
wift ascent h
issful ****
of old; to
knowing, what ha
ixing interc
hus was sinned an
es of Hell sat
w within the
e, belching ou
since the Fien
who thus now
t we here eac
tan, our great
s, and happier
ffspring dear
ess attends h
d returned, wi
rs; since no
unishment, or
l new strength
and dominion
eep; whatever
or some con
reatest dista
mity, things
e, must wi
m Sin no powe
difficulty o
urn perhaps
rk, yet to thy
eable, to
from Hell to
now prevails
to all the i
passage hence
ion, as their
s the way, so
elt attractio
meager Shadow
ate, and incl
shall not lag
leading; such
rey innumerab
th from all thing
o the work th
but afford t
h delight he s
ge on earth.
l, though many
day of battl
e encamped, com
living carca
following day,
e grim Featur
wide into th
his quarry
out Hell-gates,
of Chaos, d
with power (thei
the waters,
limy, as i
own, together
hoaling towards
olar winds, b
nian sea, to
ce, that stop
ra eastward,
st. The agg
mace petrific
ent, smote; an
ting once; the
rgonian rigou
tick slime, bro
ots of Hell th
and the mole im
ng deep high-a
digious, join
this now fen
h; from hence a
ings to small m
liberty of G
is Memnonian
sea: and, ov
ay, Europe wit
many a stroke th
ought the work
a ridge of p
d abyss, foll
he self-same
from his wing,
Chaos, to th
world: With p
made all fast, t
And now in
met of empy
ld; and, on the
interposed; th
ach of these t
ay to Earth the
irst tending;
keness of an
taur and the Sc
hile the sun
me; but those h
n discerned, tho
e seduced, u
fast by; and,
sequel, saw h
gh all unwee
d; saw their sh
es; but when
d to judge th
hoping to esc
earing, guilty
inflict; that
istening where
d discourse, an
his own doom;
but of future
ught, to Hell h
ink of Chaos,
onderous pont
t him came, his
at their meeti
ious bridge his
ng stood, till
ghter, thus th
se are thy ma
ich thou viewest
author, and p
ner in my he
hich by a s
thine, joined i
h hadst prospered
ence, but str
rom thee worlds
ter thee, with
nsequence uni
longer hold us
llowing thy il