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If I Don't Hurt You

Chapter 2 He's Really Gone

Word Count: 1585    |    Released on: 02/04/2023

are. We are even closer than the c


formed on Sia's forehead. She looked confused as t

ter he smiled a small smile. No, Sia saw a smile that was so different from

i's sturdy arm. Her curiosity

was still smiling at her. She was increasingly confused by E

er. Elgi began to walk forward, and Sia couldn't help but move her feet be

really couldn't guess what Elgi would do afterwards.

to appear on Sia's thin cheeks, and somehow Sia felt comfortable with Elgi's treatment this time. No, it's no

ia with a smile that was brighter than ever. In fact

was very sparkling and handsome. The look Elgi gave off was able to

y, and Sia was sensitive to

for?" Sia repeated. She doesn't know how

ed on his lips. Sia chuckled, sighing deeply because her attempt to pers

annoyed with Elgi's behavior this time. She need

ted Sia's chin to keep looking at his face. Sia refle

oth cheeks, the strokes that were so soft made Sia stunned, and

mantic. Without hesitation, Sia's hand moved to touch Elgi's lar

s face. Sia looked at him, confused, her heart racing r

getting closer, and Sia f

va deeply. She immediately opened her eyes slowly and found Elgi kissing her lips. Elgi seemed to appreciate the up and down move

o ancient, soothing music. As time went on, Sia became more and more immersed a

. It was just that she was shocked by Elgi's treatment. The afternoon sunlight shin

ps chasing each other, and the light sighs from Si

movement that seemed to follow the music, and Sia

ooked at each other with their flat gazes. Elgi again rubbed Sia's cheek in a very

With trembling hands, Sia wrapped her arms around Elgi's waist. Her head resting

sed tightly. They held each other for a short time, then Elgi kissed Sia gently

forehead. Perhaps it was only now that Sia could he

ng at Elgi's face, who gave her

e word separation mea

presents her answer this time. Sia

do you

. "What do you thi

illing to let someone else go from our lives. Even though we ourselves feel very painful. It's no

y. "Even if it's between y

orever." Sia answered quickly a

ike a meeting has to have a separati

uttered in confusion. Why was Elgi talking about separatio

palms together ag

pen to us soon." Elg

her eyes were already teary, and her gaze was very hard

scordant. Her chest was aching, and her breath

a shook both of Elgi'

lids, and Sia wanted to hold them back for now. However, the tears continued to

etween a thread and a needle. We are more than them, you have to remember that,"

he continued flatly. Sia

was not ready for the pain that was about to begin. For her, it was too sudden. Sia hated Elgi. Hated him so much.

d left her like that. Sia wanted to chase after Elgi, but her legs felt stiff, making it very difficult to move. Sh

doesn't know what the future will be like, is it possible for Sia to go through all

orld. She began to hug her knees tightly. She didn't care t

a bad dream. However, the pain in her cheeks meant that thi

over was t

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