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If I Don't Hurt You

Chapter 3 A Different Look

Word Count: 1179    |    Released on: 02/04/2023

must believe in this one thing. That is, the full body th



swaying vigorously like she was at a discotheque. Sia clutched her chest,

ke that forever. Every night, Sia had the dream she hated the most. Why have that dream when there

for the past year. Sia's tears broke out, clear liquid flowing easily from her e

d that Elgi would come back and suddenly give her a luxurious surprise. However, in reality, it was just a delusion. Elgi was reall

t she was still faithful enough to do that. Sia believed that a separation must hav

s. A second after that, her face turned and looked at the wall of her room, where the wal

ng, considering she had school today after the weekend. However, Sia was too afraid to close her eyes again, afraid that a night

or almost three hours, not that Sia was not sleepy. Instead, she just felt scared.

around her. She folded the cloth and placed it on her sleeping pillow. Sia sat

e door, and started walking towards the bathroom, not far from her bed.


out of her house. The creaking of the door made a loud noise. It

long time. However, every month, Sia is sent money for food and school fees. Meanwhile

hard to do. But she did it wholeheartedly. Sia sighe

er wavy hair danced as she took wide steps. It only took fif

money and gave it to the bus driver when the four-wheele

all smile. A second later, she took a bit of the h


led, Sia then turned her body backwards. A second later, she smiled happi

reath catching, Sia only smiled a littl

mented Elin as she gazed at Sia's radiant ap

, you already have a boyfri

, signaling to her best friend not to ta

ted to your new look!" Elin said she was examining her appearance again, often chucklin

praised like this, Sia was desperately holding back her emba

slapped Elin's cheek while hiding her blu

n, her finger picking at Sia's chin. A split second after that, Elin took even faster steps while dragging Sia. She did not

away." Sia tried to release Elin's grip on her arm. Howeve

the point where Sia herself was overwhelmed by Elin's wide footsteps. Ine

erent about her appearance, she only felt that she had c

her heart's content. However, for something as small as this, the girl seemed to be looking at Si

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