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The billionaire's groom

Chapter 4 Old crush

Word Count: 1048    |    Released on: 12/04/2023

close and leaning a bit while he held me close, with a smile on his face I could tell he was happy, I could f

y of two beautiful young ladies, who seem to be laughing at his jokes, it's been ages since I sa

ut quickly got my self back, "hello Archer" I said, with a

you again Archer

you still sleeping together he asked? looking deep into my

cture, he leans in and move closer so our lips would touch, "it ha

r father, you have to be wary of her, a snake never grows legs , bye you two live birds he concl

face, I dont say a word as the driver pulls t

s eyes on me when he

ine's brothe

knot of his tie to relieve him

us to go hom

n time you know, since the white weddi

low which sat wide in an enormous

ss Dale". The receptionist

shaw now, and th

back and welcome him also, she hands him the menu and th

, the interior of the room was white with, two other

I told the chubby one who was doing the t

onist vanish, we see in a leather chair and d

said, yes it is I replied, yo

we will be going shopping after

stine says ex

face, wrapped in white towel she w

the custom made suits while the second for his casual wea


and Arnold reply

oment, we will be needing

nd from the corner of my eye I could see pre

hear Arnold say, with a b

is a beautiful li

a vacation after this but I don't really know where to go since I have been to all the countries, I have partied all th beache

e, the rest I went with my parents who seemed to call those family vacations but my fath

o with them it was always the same

place I would really not like to visit, a place in my head

ime for Archer and Christine and I wished my parents had time for me like they did I wished my

one person herself, if she wasn't out shopping,

e one setting the terms of my union with Arno

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1 Chapter 1 Meeting 2 Chapter 2 Lunch 3 Chapter 3 Queenie's pov4 Chapter 4 Old crush5 Chapter 5 The monroes6 Chapter 6 A chat with jack7 Chapter 7 Wedding guests8 Chapter 8 Freddie shaw9 Chapter 9 A deal with Freddie10 Chapter 10 Horny mooners11 Chapter 11 Things you do12 Chapter 12 A sprinkle of jealousy13 Chapter 13 dancing 14 Chapter 14 Going back home15 Chapter 15 Billionaire stress16 Chapter 16 Dinner as a family17 Chapter 17 Dear 18 Chapter 18 Annie and the show19 Chapter 19 LOVE ON AIR20 Chapter 20 pregnant21 Chapter 21 that is between you and queenie22 Chapter 22 you are really good at this23 Chapter 23 something about her24 Chapter 24 who is sofia martell25 Chapter 25 a thought26 Chapter 26 sober up27 Chapter 27 REAL Dale28 Chapter 28 good for something29 Chapter 29 first impression30 Chapter 30 dinner31 Chapter 31 run away32 Chapter 32 play by myself33 Chapter 33 new collections34 Chapter 34 let me show you these35 Chapter 35 gun point36 Chapter 36 security37 Chapter 37 I want you38 Chapter 38 blame me39 Chapter 39 stunned40 Chapter 40 jefe41 Chapter 41 fingers42 Chapter 42 firmer43 Chapter 43 rico44 Chapter 44 warm seeds45 Chapter 45 silver brown46 Chapter 46 bliss47 Chapter 47 working hard48 Chapter 48 red prints49 Chapter 49 A deal 50 Chapter 50 FEDERIC 51 Chapter 51 visitors52 Chapter 52 cut it53 Chapter 53 The vote 54 Chapter 54 All in favor 55 Chapter 55 My boss56 Chapter 56 Bring him down57 Chapter 57 can I call you Brad58 Chapter 58 Gun range 59 Chapter 59 Not my fault60 Chapter 60 Babies61 Chapter 61 Missing62 Chapter 62 Suspicious63 Chapter 63 Hold me64 Chapter 64 My baby65 Chapter 65 The line dies66 Chapter 66 Archer 67 Chapter 67 A little bit of darkness68 Chapter 68 What you desire69 Chapter 69 What is your name70 Chapter 70 Silence from the other end71 Chapter 71 It's just business72 Chapter 72 Quick sweep73 Chapter 73 Flying bullets74 Chapter 74 Guns and doctors75 Chapter 75 Dead 76 Chapter 76 Catch the bad 77 Chapter 77 Hurt78 Chapter 78 Old flames79 Chapter 79 Jack is 80 Chapter 80 Daddy's girl81 Chapter 81 Trial82 Chapter 82 Nice pattern83 Chapter 83 Secrets 84 Chapter 84 Meetings are fun85 Chapter 85 Funeral86 Chapter 86 Funeral sex87 Chapter 87 Expressionists 88 Chapter 88 Hmmm89 Chapter 89 A Burglar90 Chapter 90 No mistakes 91 Chapter 91 The van92 Chapter 92 Family93 Chapter 93 Sarah Dale94 Chapter 94 The hearing95 Chapter 95 Letters96 Chapter 96 Piece by piece97 Chapter 97 Easy win98 Chapter 98 White laced 99 Chapter 99 Enemies at large100 Chapter 100 It is all mine