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My killer, my mafia boss

Chapter 2 Alice

Word Count: 5151    |    Released on: 18/04/2023

y? Are you fulfilled and complete with the choices you have

l the doors I knocked on remained closed, all the hopes I once had were stolen from me. I can't blame you either, I remember well, I try hard to remember every day: I had a choice. And I chose the path less painful, not only for me. It's a

, I played

my love h

ly days

e is li

es ye


ky is

covered wit

t I look

dream, tha

und a pleasure in squeezing my

es ye

led, yo

he spell

n heaven Cause yo

iend my father never introduced me to, who infiltrated our family, who approached me and soon took everything from me, left me with nothing but him to turn to. This was his plan from the beginning, how could I have missed

e out of my thoughts. - Everyone wa

e saying "I do," but then I realized that the hardest thing was that momen

have come to

ance anymore Jamie, my feet

ldn't dance with anyone, that I wanted to leave, that I didn't love him, and didn't intend to love him. But I couldn't say anything, I was bound with invisible restraints, receiving the consequences of my choices. The dance finally ended, and

my life. I had enjoyed that kiss for a few months now, I liked it. At that moment I had to hold back the


oking at the guests, I didn't want them to notice my watery eyes. I wa

ke you at

htly gray hair, the piercing blue eyes. The man who gave me the creeps had a serious loo

s going to devour me. Thank God the dance started, a typical Italian song. I closed my eyes praying that it would all be over soon and that I could finally run away from this nightmare,

use... - I had to suck in countless deep breaths when I heard him talking about my father. My arms

vely, causing my body to sh

talker, are you? - I ig

u. - I answ

no doubt that James will soon put her in her plac

my family," h

ve of someone who isn't part of some family in our circle, and who comes from a rotten family that adds nothing to us. You and your family have caused me more problems than you can even imagine. Jamie made disastrous choices when he preserved you. - He sniffed his nose i

the party, people were walking everywhere, smiling and talking. I looked at my parents for a moment, the only people who truly knew what was going on. My mother held onto my gaze and I felt pleading in them. Perhaps some tears dripped from her eyes. My father, on the other ha

a hiccup. I looked back and sa

ould I take yo

d breath as Ethan cradled

so happ

nk you,

ow you grew up together, it mu

I miss her a lot, she c

ifferent hanging out with

are soul mates. -

if anything is wrong, I can help you. - He said, his voice

shit on him, it wouldn't be fair not only to him and my parents, who needed me more than ever, but also to Nicholas and Nicole. After almost six years s

, I really apprec

his nose absently. - I didn't have a choice, Nic

ewed. Although... actually... there is something you could do for me, could yo

out time I congratulate

d up the spiral stone staircase, praying that it would take me as far away from it as possible. Hot tears burned my face, the tears I had held back from early on when I had to lie to my best friend while putting on my wedding dress. The tears I had held back when I knew Vivian wasn't coming. But she was not wrong. I was living a lie. My heart ached when I realized that I had no one else to tell, I was

of the low wall. A few small stones were pushed by my shoe, fell and were lost in the vastness of the night and the sea. I shuddered when I looked how high I was, I have never been afraid of heights, but of the sea, yes. The sea was fast and cruel, the summer nights were like this, the sea constantly with

ou, I wouldn'

ck and my b

me quickly

er. - I tried to keep my body still,

? What are you thinking? You

at you're thinking, I jus

edge of

staggered ready to fall. When I was held up by large muscular arms, Thomas had taken me in his lap

th you? - he asked more arrogantly than the fir

And you can

my feet down and looked at him seriously, he was much taller than me, almost two meters tall,

wim," he fi

t, it looked like you wer

y, somehow I sensed a se

t to Jamie. - He returned

saw. It wasn't what it looks l

was piss James off, I knew e

essional to keep anything from him. Ple

know very well that you are here as a guest. I swear

inutes as if in an internal

nstairs, they mu

nths e

. I chose the little bracelet with a small drop-shaped pendant, a small sapphire, and ga

am. Do you have anot

face; I had never exp

her ano

ain. Would you lik

blem with the card, I'll call the bank, they'll sort it out toda

er had put on my tail after the bombing at home. He was a man of few words, the kind of man who made butterflies flutter in my stomach, my hands sweat, and m

as he followed me, surp

think I had some troub

pped me off at the

k ago from your accounts". How?" I thought startled. "The amount wa

this. Next I called Vivian, thinking about borrowing money to buy the bracelet, but the

It was my birthday and we were going out to celebrate. Maybe this

ocean views. San Diego was our new address since we had moved from Texas. My father could no longer live in just one place, so he convinced us that

, where we came to an agreement that it would be better to finish college and I could have my graduation in a big city,

oftop, I found my father sharing a glass of wine with my mother.

called first. - Ho

. We had only been together a very short time,

. - What a surprise, w

- He smiled, and then pulled out

her, who expressed

ne in the house, please

shifted uncomfort

xclaimed. - Just order yourself a glass; Eliz

t drink much, and neither did I. A bottle would be

of the best wine in the house

ther, who had always gotten along well with Jamie, seemed to be treating him with ignorance the whole time, and Jam

Jamie? - my mother asked, batting her big brown e

ould stay a short time, but I ended up c

- My mother, with the hap

up with his glass, attracting the attention of the whole restauran

p and then toa

o A

ore sitting down. - I st

t down in


her sh

her gr


I said a litt

mother calle

kneeling in front of m

p, but he didn't accept my help. He stood up by himself and looked at my father with such anger that it was palpa

ce at the table. Almost five thousand in expenses. Jamie

everyone in the restaurant, I left thinking. I didn't even have the courage to call him,

nd I fell in love. He was sweet and gentle, but there was something, that even though I was hopelessly in love, made me want

my flight was delayed, the airline staff would only have one flight booked for the next day, so disgruntled and with

ing but a merc

laugh and then

iness, my

ou got close to my family,

hing she wouldn't app

..? My daughter

st perverse possible. Rest assured that her being in love wi

ou have taken from me? Y

's not even half of what you owe us.

g else! What do you wa

blackmailing my father. This, in a way, explaine

uld ki

he Jamie I knew do that? Although in truth we hardly knew each

t! My fat

would he have gained

bout it. - My father

until her birthday, convince her that I am the ideal man, we would

ce is young, dreamy, she doesn

t she screams wh

re, to scream, to ask him to leave, to demand information from my fathe

talk about her

t laughing and

arry me. I'm not going to give you another chance, you've screwed one of my father's biggest casinos. He won't turn a blind eye. I'm offering

unded like the livin

ere sweating, and my whole body was shaking. But I gathered my courage and went to my father's

d he was sitting in his armchair, hands

lines of expression took over his face

here? I thought you

not a

became eve

erything! - I let out all at

o sorry

g on the other side of the office. Silently, her

orry, Mom? You were here th

nd out about the problems we are going through. The truth i

ingly at my mother, as if

nough shit from you and Jami

he took a break, in case my father interrupted, and when he didn't, she continued. -

My father calle

wo now, she's not a child anymore. Her lif

at one of the major casinos on Seattle's east coast, not a fair debt, but what you'd expect

oice comes out

sold some assets, ran up some more debts, bankrupted the entire family inheritance. In the end he accumulated m


... I don't know, maybe get it from

rks, but they work for him too. We have no relatives, you

ever thought of going there t

id. - Many of them are influential people, many police

e it saved, maybe we can get it from someone else, I can get a loan,

- my mother

s accounts have been emptied. Five days ago,

you took the money from o

er was

never touch her savings, she would never know about your problems. How c

, not to pay off debts, not so that I could i

tly. - I was sick, I couldn't think.

are we going to do now? We're broke! Thank God we still have a place

and it's going up for auction in five d


n't get

pain, his hand on his chest, then with a

vens! Alic

tes I took that back, it

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