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May Brooke

Chapter 10 THE WARNING.

Word Count: 2513    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

is counting-room, when Michael, the porter, came in

ome in," he re

turning in a few minutes with a man

ness with me?" sai

our honor sin

you in my life b

d by that, they tould me at the wood-yard, foreninst, that your honor was

late, now-it makes no difference," said Mr.

to saw wood for the ould nagur, I got the pleurisy, and didn't lav

forbidding countenance wore a strange look of anxiety; "do you remember th

to my dying day. She was a little, bright-eyed

I have a reason," he said, turning to the man, "for wishi

a good stretch, though," said the man,

r an omnib

ose by where they stop. Yo

ry way. His real object, however, was not so much to save time, as to afford the man an opportunity to avoid a long

f heaven is so over all, that even the dun-colored earth, the decayed leaves and rotten branches, which the autumn blast has laid low, look beautiful, and seem to whisper resurgam; when a cold, bracing wind sends the warm blood bounding through our hearts-tinting our cheeks, and warming our extremities, until we bless it, as we do the strong hand which leads us in childhood; and we listen, with docile tenderness, to its teachings, for it tells with pathos, of suffering in the hovels of the poor, and want, and poverty, and bids us thither like a winged angel. Down, beneath the rustic bridge, boys were shouting and skating on the frozen stream, their laughter echoing like music through the old woods; anon, the sharp crack of rifle, or the distant barking of dogs, rung on the still air, while the bells

terminated in a Marble City,[1] where, beneath trees of centuries growth, its inhabitants slumber silently through the long, cold night of death, until the revivifying beams of the resurrection day shall dawn on the earth-mantle that wraps their clay. But over all shone the glad beauty of the day. It poured down its effulgence alike on

, pointing to old Mabel's c

ithout any particular object in view-he had obeyed an impulse which he did not pau

will pay you for the time you have lost." The man thanked him, and w

soul!" then he saw May seated beside the old negro, reading from some pious, instructive book, of Christian doctrine. And those words came ringing down into his soul like the blast of ten thousand trumpets! He staggered back; his old, withered cheek, grew pallid, and he turned away and fled-but they pursued him. "Profit-gain-loss. Profit-gain-loss. Profit-gain-loss. I understand them!" he gasped. "I have heaped up gains; of earthly profit I have my share; and

he suddenly remembered, as he paused to rest, that it was on this very spot that he had seen Father Fabian administering the last rites of the church to a dying penitent; and he trembled, and hu

taking his hat and returning to help him dr

eplied, shivering, and

nice fire here is-and I have a piping-hot

d his cold, heavy hand on her shoulder, "stop; answe

ir," replied May, lifting he

you in providing for that old negro

d helpless, and do it, I hope, for the l

," he said, with anxiety; "tell me how, you provide f

it-indeed, I would prefer not-it seems-so-yes-it seems like boasting, or

l know!" he s

ee weeks by knitting fancy articles, which

d t

rbid me to continue doing so; pray allow me the privilege of earning a trifle for her benefit while

d up from his heart. They went together into the sitting-room; and May spread his supper before him,

, sir; pray try and eat

I can hardly see. Ding, dong-ding, dong. Great Lord! if this s

upon this cushion, so that the soles will be towards the fire,

, turning his fierce

ell, sir," she said, l

paltry dollars, not enough to feed you, and left that Helen-th

our own. You have sheltered, schooled, and fed me-

ick-die-what then?" h

ternal concerns-make your peace with God while it is yet day, and enter into that fold whose Shephe

off at such a tangent?" said Mr. Stillinghast, with a grim smile;

promised to be a father to the orphan. I shall never want. In ho

t regret or en

y own acc


t, if properly applied. I think, now, if I had a

u'd squander it-you'd encourage pauperism, a

od's sake, to bestow it where it was needed; and because it would be offered for the love of

n. "But, as you will never inherit a fortune,

, for the

ll feel quite independent of me and my wishes. If I should be ill,

rtune. I would not have gold, as I live, sir, except as the minister of my good purposes, the slave on which I could set my heel, unless it

walked to and fro. "Profit-loss-gain. Give me my c

anything fo

he r

u want anything, just rap on the floor,

, in his old, rough way, as he went o

nmount C

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