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May Brooke


Word Count: 3599    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

who had encountered May and Helen at the hall-door, o

ir," said May, in her us

use left so; do you stay, for you are fo

le Stillinghast," said Hele

t her stay at home; d'ye

home. I have no desire at all to g

e inquired, turning sudd

c, sir, but-but

" he asked

h as May does," she replied, lifting her ha

aimed May, with a

ffair," said Helen,

or," said Mr. Stillinghast, with a low, peculia

, s

, losing all dread of

n his arm; "you are t

trampling under foot

of Ch

haking her off. "Be silent. Go your w

r her," said May, after her first wil

red, as she went out; "but Father Fabian says, that trials are divine and royal gifts! If I lived only for this life I would

arrived at his counting-house, he went directly to his desk, and penned a note, which he directed and sealed, then handed it to his porter to take to Mr. Jerrold. Then he perched himself on his high writing-stool, and opening his books, attempted to go on as usual with the business of the day. But there was something unquiet tugging at his conscience, which did not allow him to do

r," said the porter, who had retu

ster we must serve first, and best. Hoi

y of judgment and the Master that's to take an account of how he's been sarved. I reckon, bedad, he'll find out thin, if n

millionnaire, and full of curiosity, did not los

t kept you waiting," he said, holdi

ng hands, and offering his guest a chair. "I see that y

ed the young man, laughing; "but can I

- Here Michael!" cri

swered the port

on with this gentleman, and do not w

an the next one; but suppose somebod

hey can wait,

they won't?" pe

my door, and I will

; "I never waste any thing-time or words. I am blunt and candid, and aboveboard. I hate the world generally,

ir," observed Mr. Jerrold, who wondered

accede to, there being a condition annexed that may not be altogether agreeable. But however it may be, I wish

t propose any thing to me incompatible with

fer, by which you will gain not only credit, but profit. In view of this obj

st!" began the young ma

uiries of your friends and foes concerning your hab

ir?" inquired Walter

I might t

t of this stra

d man who sat at this desk for the last forty years. He was the only friend I had in the wide earth. He was my prop and support, and now that he is gone, I feel t

ng dream that the millionnaire, Stillinghast-the bitter, inaccessible old man, should offer him something so far beyond his most sa

rstand me, M

really fear you are

I jested that the word has become meaningles

said Walter Jerrold, fearing at least it

interest, and compound interest, still heaping up the pile. I do not intend it shall be squabbled over when I am in the dust, or left open to the rapac

teous gains!-yes, unrighteous gains, for mammon held them in trust. None had ever gone into the treasure-house of God to relieve the suffering, or

prudent, sir," obs

inghast, and promise on your honor to endeavor to overcome her Catholic tendencies. She is not very strong in her faith, but as I intend to

ital do you require

if nothing, it makes no difference: but, do yo

n a position which it would have taken me years of toil to attain, and I must confess, that I am quite thr

tillinghast, with a grim smile. "To-morrow evening I shall expect an answer; at

luxurious coach to take a drive. He whispered a word or two to her; the carriage was dismissed, and mother and son went up stairs to analyze the sudden promise of fortune which had burst, like the bow of heaven, around them. And together we will leave them-the worldly mothe

ctions. It all seemed like a new world dawning around her, as if through the chinks of her lowly dwelling bright visions of heaven stole in to gladen her, while her soul in its humble love traversed back and forth with angel messengers. May had not seen her for some days, and now went to take her money to pay the rent of her poor cot

over thar for Miss May," exclaimed the old woman,

Mabel. I think you are

ing down

sit down by a poor nigger, an' take her lame hand in his'n, and rub it with some sort of liniment he fotch. And thar's a bottle of wine he left 'cause the doctor said I must have some. He don't stand off

mforted by Father Fabian's visits," said Ma

y; and he talk so simple and beautiful

er Fabian tell

aid, 'Unless you be born again, of water and the Holy Ghost, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven;' and, honey, it was enough, for me to know he said it. And then he told me about the power our Lord left with his Church to forgive sins, and I didn't dar doubt it, 'cause who can

ashing a tear from her cheek. "Now tell me something a

aven, while tears flowed over her swarthy cheeks; "I see the Son of God, and the Son of Mary-Jesus Christ, hanging on the rough wood; his head, his hands, his feet, his side, dropping blood from the torn flesh. I see him dying for me; and down at his feet, his mother suffering with him. Ah, honey, it was a heavy burden she bore that dark day! The suffering of her son-her

Blessed Virgin, Aunt Mabe

mount of her sufferings was for him and us, and I love her-I honor her, and I go to her like a litt

's language; "and I am glad you have recourse to her. She will lead you along until all is well with you. Shall I read to you n

h she left her purse with old Mabel, containing the amount of her rent, which would be due the next day, and promising to send her tea, sugar, and other necessaries, called little Nellie in, and telling her to sit with her grandmother, hurried away with a lighter heart than when she came out. She made her purchases on her way home, and left directions where they were to be sent. After assuri

ippers. May made two or three observations to him in her own cheerful way, but he barely replied, and desired her not to

no?" said Mr. Stillingh

on the harp," she

u play

r thought

expect company to tea to-morrow evening

her face sparkled with deligh

be quiet, and do as I bid

they seek after her soul,' and she, oh, weak o

eading, without exchanging a word with her cousin. Thoughts and emotions were flooding May's soul with impu

nished, dropped her book, and remained passive, while May besought her by her hopes of heaven to accompany her the next morning to confession, or go alone,

Catholic too. I am only conciliating this crusty old wretch, who has us both in his

e handle pitch without becoming defiled. Believe me, this kind of con

pitch; but, indeed, I will endeavor to handle him with gloves on," s

es, for, Helen, he is an unbeliever!" said May

most into spasms," continued the heartless and beautiful one. "I hav

d shall not cease to admonish you-to warn

a fanatic. Good

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