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An Unhealthy Obsession

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1454    |    Released on: 30/04/2023

to end this case

eclared, flabbergast fell in the room, w

e ag

hom how she could speak this so o

inhaling deeply, she held her dress with a

Enrique… t

the fury she already managed to induce in everyone


everyone by his anger, glaring dead into her eyes, h

ually ready to give you a damn chance

and stunned when his outrage dispersed in the air, ex

ity. Don’t you feel any shame after d

le, taking a step back, cov

me terribly? How could you?” Enrique asked, narrowing his ey

were shatterin

ture, her strong facade and stared bac

demanded firmly, fingers fidgeting around her d

w, disappointed resonance, scanning her body w

d at her, it sha

lso slammed her hand on the table, getting up

bury this matter now, I will let the who

t the man with dark blue eyes, stagg

d back, pointing his f

not ly

pricked in the co

aking a step back. Dejected and hear

uld make your life hell so you regret taking suc

ld make her life hell but she had no cho

e glared at both brothers with

’t do as I say I would drag all of us to doom.” She

lled, frowning deeply at her daring action

ave them a dead look, certainly not going to back away o

her you wipe the stains on my n

gence was no longer an option, Stella left for the court

he didn’t allow her gaze to display it.

ers rushed to her. Thrilled to have their bre

uld you like to make any statements? Do you t

es rushed, tried to


h, Stella ignored the question

m! Ma

seat silently, resting her one leg over t

ere.” Her lawyer told her. She nodded and stay

t refusing to release themselves. She couldn’t take it and to enha

lla had made such a big accusation on you.

r came with a stoic expression, darke

But, not

ching Stella with steady steps whic


get his perspective but he simply wa

s going to

n, he was right before her,


forced herself to rise from her seat


own to her ears, sending a shiver

ase. Do not insu

haling, he looked back at her with dejection, defeated

n all these years into soil. Don’t become this selfish.” He whispere

back sorrowfully, closing her eyes, p

dominantly, sending a shiver down her spine when

is ferocious expression. Everyone was invested in how

ensure you suffer hell from this moment onwards.” He warn

tage, she whispere

as everyone came to keep the


you ca

but he proposed out of nowhere, f

me, S

t expecting him to t

alse allegations you have placed

hed an irresistible smile, waiting for her to

ignity you had left. Marry me.” H

ring the outcome of her actions, her trembling hand

ll! She was doing this to have the

of heartbeat, shattering whatever she used to have int

led, glaring at the reporter to wa

noticed by everyone, whispering temptingly in her

s hand tightly, shaking badly, li


s hand away, hi

rn to take

r felt necessary to stand next to h

to bear the taunts of

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