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An Unhealthy Obsession

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 30/04/2023

otect her, to keep her away from his mi

provement, nothing was settling down,

was in a st

way from calling Enrique and apologizing but

.” Mr Ross sat beside her, r

attain. I had yet to become businesswoman of the year. I

wall with devoid eyes, apologizing for the

ause you can lie that it is an allegation but th

ing sternly about the honest

with my own hands. I won’t care about the consequences.” He snarled

are now sending me death threats. I close my

emptiness had taken shelter in her soul,

nrique anyways? He left you to rot. The charmer

t with a fire of anguish in her e

ove and you could ‘never’ be


t words

heart clenching to hear those wo

ie down then I will arrange divorce for you. We w

all depths in order to bring the life st

something.” He muttered, turning on the LED to

s with people’s respect and their name for their own s

iffused yet and people were still hung up o

watch a

” Whispering, she got up

arden, staring into nothingnes


g the call and unwillingly stepped out


Are yo

t the girl who shouted threw a pebble at

character woman

in but someone held her wrist, refr

control your wo

taggered to find Enrique there in his usual


and save her but with stoic expressions, h


y and began to drag her away, making

the fuck

passenger seat. Nothing but fu

dly, shivering by the

He ordered the driver and be

was intoxicated, worry took over by the ex

with her, he took her somewhere

foot, making his jaw clenched but ig


, Bo

la for a second. She was ashamed, not lifting her eyes

from top to bottom, inviting lethal

and send her t

feet to the ground but before she could ask or speak a

further than she already did, she complied with his demand and wo

, makeup, helped her to set her messy form.

wed the instruction and went to his ritzy apart

on but the maid there guided her to his

and distressed mind, she wai

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