Men Called Him Master
ugh Galilee the men talked soberly, a little fearfully, about what might happen. But, one after another, the villages of Galilee welcomed Jesus. The com
ore sunset the hills to the west threw deep shadows over the village. It was cooler than Capernaum, thought Simon. Soon he would be home with his wife and children! But he was as g
f the disciples expected the people to receive Jesus gladly, but Simon could not forget the last time they had been in a synagogue-at Na
ts. Then he told the people very plainly that God was among them in great power; that they must immediately give up everything that kept them from understanding God's purpose and devote their lives to him. Both the people and the elders listened closely, and Simon was not surprised when many peop
stepped back. For the first time, Jesus saw the woman. Shyly she moved
id to her encouragingly;
this is the Sabbath?
u hearest me when I pray. Set this woman free, I beseech thee, from the deformity which has bent her body these many years. This I ask in ord
as doing. Doesn't this Nazarene know thi
infirmity." She stood up straight. "May God be praised
been watching from the balcony and now they ran down to
turned to the people. "The Law says there are six days in each week for work. That means t
to be healed on the Sabbath? Every single one of you will lead your ox to water as soon as you get home. If that isn't work, what is?" His scorn bit into the elders like a whiplash. "You say the Law allows you to give your cattle water
the elders. Simon knew Jesus was getting into troub
gue. The people left in the room felt suddenly cold,
had said. Their respect for the Sabbath rule was sincere; they believed it was the most important regulation in the entire Jewish Law. No one
happen to our religion if the people begin to
am going down to Capernaum tomorrow. I will stop and talk to our friend Syme
with the elders; but they were troubled also about the thing Jesus had done that morning. Jesus knew that he
er to work on the Sabbath. Yet, Rabbi, you healed the woman on the Sabbath. We do believe she is more important than any animal-but still. Rabbi, you did break the Sabbath rule! Do
he answered. "Rather, I am showing you
acked woman on the Sabbath,
who make the Sabbath so important, you can ne
that the woman was more important than the animals, which they feed
h rule-but inwardly they have forgotten justice and mercy. They all know that it is wrong to kill another Jew. But much more is required than that: if you e
said Simon. "I don't
replied Jesus. "The meaning of their words has been forgott
ink we need to be so harsh with the Pharisees and the elders of the synagogues. We ought to be careful. The Pharisees are really good people and we
. Andrew was right; their peril was increasing every day. But Jesus shook his head. "My followers," he said, "do not think that I was sent to
thrown into prison by King Herod. They found out about it through one of his followers who had come to Capernaum to find Jesus and was
e king do it?
s doing wrong in the sigh
er than Jesus,
us just before he was taken pris
Jesus. "What will
ell. We must be prepa
nd you to us?" S
swered the man. "He just said to us: 'Didn't I tell you that I am not the Christ? I am glad that Jesus has ma
the minds of them all: "If we go on proclaimin
"Nothing must stand in o
s actions. He knew that their danger was increasing every day! And he acted with such authority! Everyth
apernaum that Jesus was back in the city. From every corner of the town came those needing help-not only the sick and lame, but people of all kinds who were restless and dissatisfied. So many people crowded into the
tedly, "there are Pharisees
bring t
t, Master, some of the
he fisherman was worried. From Jerusalem! Simon was thinking. They
salem. He knew that officials of the Pharisees would come to hear hi
"There is room for them
ously at Jesus. "O
drew! Make certain that they see
Pharisees came in. Jesus paid no special attention
gan. "If you are poor, you can be rich if
e said, looking at him. "God will accept you. You are
me unto me, all of you that are burden
carrying a stretcher. On it lay a man who was helpless from paralysis. His body had wasted away to skin a
ver get in
iting until they l
ack," said the fi
am sure he will be healed if we can just fin
aircase that led up to the roof o
an't we get
the roof of Simon's house. On the porch under them, they could hear Jesus talking. It took about fifteen
ralyzed man slowly came to
learly heard in the hush of the c
by surprise. Andrew saw a
marked the scribe whom Andrew w
Is this man paralyzed because he sinn
ry good man," ans
out what I said? Tell me which is easier, to say to this man, 'Your
at the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins'"-he tu
the paralytic. He rose and did as Jesus
hat they were puzzled. An elderly man, who appeared to be a leader, whispe
y were outside, the elderly leader shook his head very gravely. "I had hoped this man would be a friend of the