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Mistress Penwick

Chapter 3 THE BALL

Word Count: 1986    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

efore the fire in the tower nooker

Lord Cedric to have such a m

Lordship himself." Her voice rang t

ely thou dost not mean thy sayings. He is not a fit

masque, for to-night there is to b

oes that me

is costume, and he does not look like that at all. We may be sure

ue, he cannot

ow thou wilt not have long to wait. I saw his wicked young eyes-too you

f so oath-beladen tongue?

and wilt come to thee with flotsamy oglings and tender nothings and

int of observation where we may

tations, and to-morrow thou wilt begin to preen thy feathers preparatory to flying forth; but first thou must lie down and sleep three full hours, 'tis then the ball will be at i

was cleft by a great stairway. As they stood looking over the railing, 'twas like looking down upon an immense concave opal, peopled by the gorgeously apparelled. Myriad tints seeming to assimulate and focus wherever the eyes rested. Gilt bewreathed pillars, mouldings,

e thy lor

t nothing individually; my eyes

ip them to his ugly frame,

d not the flowers and lights. I see a red figure seeming to hurry among the d

rose; he has retrieved it and is hot upon the chase again. He is looking for thee.-'Tis

or sweetness. Presently the dance changed into the chaconne with its p

beauty with him. How could the master of so great a house look so?" The music changed into a sprightly gavotte, Katherine's

er see anything so beautiful before? It seems

rer if thy lord proposes a sp


fully dressed princes and dukes, lords and counts, with their ladies dancing the gavotte. There was the perfection of beauty and stateliness and romance. The few unmasked faces were smiling and bright with powder and rouge; dainty hands flourished fans; and there was the low click of high heels upo

to flounder into limitless excess. Look upon the Burgomaster at thy feet with a surfeit of good round legs, he is unfortunate for being in excess, he cannot whittle down. 'Tis a

otrude like pulpy blisters, and she looks

ature, and 'tis best if thy gaze

ntuition, and I l

my lord wit


hat grind against thee! Be careful, my Lambkin, fall not in love with the first handsome face thou seest." The music ceased; there was naught of sound, but a babble of voice and soft, gay laughter. The guests passed up the

ful? In what particular is this queen of t

and her form ravish

depart to-morrow!" and there was relief in the supposition. Constance continued: "I saw my kinsman's li

f a princess; she must

ic could have some bright being here to keep him from the dumps, and when guests are prese

proud to-yet, if Cedric love

est th

he guests, and, if I find not the maid, I will let thee know, and we

I will bring about a meeting, so thou mayest beau her privately and win her love before Cedric knows aught; 'twill be a grand joke to play upon him, and '

ance. 'Twill be sweet

member of my lord's h

r him, as they travers

d grant it ma

t whether 'twill be satisfactory to the one or the other, remains to be seen, as the destination of their supplications was a l

was the object of

ophy thou hast gained withou

hat is

t token of success." They had reached the tower cha

nd thee, I cannot

innocent mind, I would deprive thee of thy best weapon. Thou hadst

ng that bound her graceful, sloping shoulders, had fallen loose displaying her glorious

I feed thee on pap and rub thee with oil; nor yet a flat che

a low bodice


ays,-I must have stays before

en a tiny babe and swathed her in a soft, warm thing, and bade her get to bed. Katherine jumped to the middle and lay pa

or a Pater Noster since our arrival. Thou wouldst neglect thy relig

ten times to make up for my forget

say them once and close thy azure eyes." Janet watched until the wax-like lids drooped, then softly made

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