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Mistress Penwick


Word Count: 3258    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ith splendid raiment; all had been unpacked and examined, and 'twas enough to cure all grievances, the very sight of s

me moments since the arrival of the hunters and it's time-" There was a sounding rap and 'twas his Lordship's lackey begging the admittance of his master. Janet bade Lord Cedric enter. He came forth in riding-coat and field

th the contents o

ked that I wished for most-a thing that marks one

for indeed he had forgotten ab

tays, my lord," and she said i

nd broke forth:-"I'll thrash that damned lackey blue for so forgetting!" and

Katherine's tapering fingers ventured upon either lapel of his lordship's velvet coat, and he turned red and white and could hardly contain

lad, if thou wilt don thy most bea

rdship's face with a look that was almost tender-"thou wilt say n

of me thus, thou couldst

aught I would have, I may ta

dst take from me the dearest thing that has yet happened t

say, but if I might have perfect fr

all things' that th

d thing to bring from the village of Crandlemar youths for the training of a choir, such as I have heard are of much repute among the poor lads

er every whim. He, one of the richest noblemen in Great Britain, whom she could have for a look; the stretching out of the hand. And she quite well knew that he was ready at the first opportunity to renew the subject of marria

lace and brought it close about her shoulders and twined her mother's string of pearls about her white throat, the longer strands reaching below her waistband and caught low again upon the shoulder with a knot of fresh spring violets. Cedric stood apart with his kinsman, his Grace of Ellswold, who enjoyed the freedom of speech of all Char

. Never have I seen her equal. And that is John Penwick's daughter!" and he took a great pinch of snuff and looked at Cedric. "She will make thee a fine

nstance' cousin from Russia, and as she is staying here for some time, at

how about the wager

er without an opponent, and 'twill be futile to find o

n wilt thou

t moment of

is Majesty gains inkling of such fresh, young beauty and finds her out of bans

lace, she being under my guardianship, to press her to espousal without fair

ediate espousal, 'twould best serve thee to use all manner of means to gain her consent, and if this prove abortive, I would abduct the maid and have thy Chaplain ready to marry thee to her; and a

c grace, they attracted all eyes. It seemed Cedric could not contain himself for love of Kate, and

d she was hardly pleased when he bade her rest and took her to another room, where they were quite alo

ired; the brantl

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love any h

poor thing th

ove me,

and as one should love h

ther." The hot blood suffused her face. At sight

thou askest;-and 'tis unseemly of thee to ask for that

ou knowest I am about to die for love of thee. Dost not understand that thy father wished thee to ma

arriage with thee, as he kne

her and me alone?" He marked the lines with his jewelled finger, his love locks falling against her cheek as she read: "My last wish and the one of greatest import to my child is

u hast said naught of this-as it appears here

What mean

nnot tell thee, for 'tis

lose, so close she was well-nigh crushed by his warm and passionate embrace and choked by pulverulent civet as her face was pressed against the folds of his steenkirk. She felt the tumultuous beating of his heart, and 'twas a great, new feeling came to her and she trembled and swayed, and loved and hated both, in one brief moment and drew from him and looked with angry eyes. "Kate, Kate, what saidst the false lover; t

ked me to e

t didst

soon to wed, 'twould be w

nswer did h

ister, Princess Mary,

rince of O

ween his white teeth and a line of light from between his half-closed lids li

was none too

naught else appe

of her inquiring face proved his evil imagining a perjur

rustics yonder to make love to thee? I will run him through the first time I meet his inso

hat is his name?" and he glared at her, furio

for the very meagre cause a maiden

istraught, for she dared not give him the name of one of his guests; for the noble Russian Adrian Cantemir had pressed his suit and was upheld by Lady Constance, who told him of Katherine's vast demesne, knowing well he could not marry one without estates, as his were in

grace. I have told thee tr

d strode forth to slash the curtain that barred his way, and Katherine caught his upstretched arm and fell upon her k

id with freshness; and as she drew the fastenings the lace fell from her shoulder, disclosing her too-low cut bodice, and Cedric's quick eye saw why the screen of lace was used, and with trembling fingers caught up the lace and drew from his steenkirk a rare jewel and pinned it safe as deftly as her maid. He touched her hand with his warm red lips, saying in a voice resonant as music: "God bless thee, Kate, for thy sweet modesty!" He thought if the modi

d so much converse of. 'Tis not much wonder, having been so short a time in the great world and having won the hearts of two noblemen, she should wish for fresh fields to conquer. But now was not the time for a trip to London, for spring was upon them and there was much to look after in Crandlemar. His Lordship had sadly neglected his duties in keeping up the village and looking after the poor. The church must be built up. It had not occurred to her that there were other religions beside the Catholic; and when Lord Cedric's chaplain made known to her the difficulties of arranging Catholic orders in a Protestant Church, she could not understand. Janet explained to her what she would be compelled to surmount to bring her religion to be the accepted one in Crandlemar. Again her mind was turned to Count Adrian, and she thought 'twould be well to wed with one of her own faith, and he was as warm a Catholic as herself. Cedric was a Protestant and a very poor one, indeed it seemed he had no religi

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