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The Mafioso's mistress

Chapter 4 Donna Belotti

Word Count: 2481    |    Released on: 13/05/2023

gone. "To talk to Rosemary, they are customers of the kind she likes" I saw hi

t to the counter handing over the clothes, the boot along with everything that didn't belong to me, I wen

in her body, she is motionless. "Honey go to sleep" I listened when my uncle spoke softly, I smi

th, dirt, I rolled in bed for a while thinking about everything in the night, after all who wa

, serve customers, I arrived clumsily to Mr. Manolo to ask him to give me an advance of twenty perce

neighbor's garden, it was already time to trim the branches that undo the drawings, I stayed the afternoon w

s me to be more sensual, he might even be right, Beyoncé, Rihanna do this and suffer no a

week starting, it was another week to take my mother to the doctors, the nights at the club that would guarantee the money. But on Thursday, Mr. Tomm

men or scoundrels to leave their wives at home and seek fun in these places, I came home on T

ave to present, without any post show ballot, I changed clothes, I didn't know if it was a

id me was not even enough for a third of the consultation, I felt the tears coming to my eyes, I left the est

black suit, quite aligned, dark hair, perhaps strong, dark eyes looking at me, I turned to look at the door, surely h

I hold most valuable, I walked along the sides avoiding the rain splashing on my body, as I crossed the street

pt what he would have to propose to me, it was worse than dancing on stage with little clothes on, letting stra

also lose my love from my youth, I walked through the dark sidewalks towards home, I looked back when I suspected I w

ped, he got down wearing a black over

hers" I warned him watching him walk toward me, one hand in his pocket. "I am willing to raise the amount, would ten thousa

by a daring act that I extended my trembling arm, touching his, removing his left hand from his pocket, the thick gold ring glistening on his finger

, it was with difficulty that we gathered money to take my mother to the doctor, who told me that her hair is falling out, and soon we will have

ether doctor?" I stared at his browns telling myself it would be a low amount, when he smiled weakly. "Around a hundred thousa

it becomes impossible, I talked to Mr. Manolo, asking for an opportunity to work the whole d

sponse, I looked at myself in the mirror looking at my body, in search of courage, it was a choice to be

hed my mother's forehead, feeling her more than feverish, her eyes closed, she was asleep from th

ning of the end for me, I hurried out to the cafeteria, it had been six days since I got paid, and once again I asked my

daily, take care of the daughter dogs to help" I had no doubt at all of Uncle Carlos' love for my mother, t

re me on the counter, the greedy old man looked with a look of who was looking for how to exploit, take money from me, removing the toothpick

sts, the baggy jeans on my body, I denied it, I would be willing to roll over, to r

ant to join the girls to rehearse, perform something for me afterwards, if you are approved you are in, without effort you are out." I

r the rehearsal, I kept rehearsing. "Mister Tommaso is calling you" I took a deep breath as I hea

ighting against myself, the dark helped, it didn't show my face, I wanted to dance as I learned at the academy, without vulgarity, art without sensual appeals, but so

clothes and makeup, and have no shame to present, the less clothes, the more money my dear" I didn't want le

s me, I watched behind the curtain her show, shy, instead of money she won only a rose, although she was beautiful, in our environment it d

merican music started to play while I observed the nothing more in the distance, the men touching me, the men touching me, caressing me, groping me while I turned my hands away, listening to obscenities pretending

ting at the bar looking at me, with his eyes piercing, I raised my hand sliding down my neck to my breasts, squeezing them listening to the men screaming, I c

he stage but Mr. Tommaso was already at the stage exit waiting for me. "He warned me greedy, I took a deep

om came out a drag only in stones, second skin, few colored stones, big red hair, I think an adaptation

ow was, but I was tempted to see, I hurried into the storage room taking off my dress until I heard the knock on the door, I picked up my c

ou know what twenty dollars is worth in euros today?" The impactful, striking voice taking over, to the point o

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