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The Mafioso's mistress

The Mafioso's mistress



Donna Belotti is a young woman in her twenties, beautiful, a dancer, and a dreamer, who at the moment all she dreams about is the recovery of her mother, Amabis Belotti, dealing with the lack of money for treatment while waiting for a possible bone marrow donor, is what makes Donna work nights in a nightclub. Engaged for a few years to her long-distance boyfriend, Joshua, Donna loves him and dreams of marrying him as soon as he returns from Spain after his studies, but it was not in her plans to fall into a trap on another work night, when her colleague pushes her into his place in the performance, so that the evil, coldest, and cruelest criminal present that night, would choose her as his sexual entertainment. Don Valente is a millionaire mobster, hangman, cold, cruel nobody knows what made him that way, married to a woman by agreement, fulfilling the demands of the marriage signed between families, one night he decides to go hunting for another victim for his pleasure, he had been told about the main star, Rosemary Garcia, a daring woman, capable of anything for money, one of these women would accept whatever he proposed, his mistake, Rosemary runs away from him when she learns of his cruel fame, leaving the naive needy girl in her place, watching the woman on stage, shy, quiet, Don Valente changes his mind, when he wants a bunny to intimidate. He is attracted to her manner from the stage, and when he learns that she has no interest in him, he will do anything to get her in his hands, will Donna be able to get away from him?

Chapter 1 Prologue

I don't know exactly how it happened, if I said it was because of money, or necessity, many would point their fingers at me. When I met Don Valente the first time, in the dressing room of the nightclub, I didn't even know it was him.

The first time I saw him, I thought he was insane, intolerable, a handsome but unbearable man, how could he think he could buy everything?

Buy me, with a wedding ring glittering on his finger? In the face of my need, to buy medicine for my mother, to pay the expenses of the month without having to face the demanding mornings in the cafeteria next to the annoying Mr. Manolo, harassing me.

Or even without having to go on stage on turbulent nights, giving myself up to the shows, letting men hunting for adventure and sex touch me, I could have his money easy, but I denied it.

That shady man was just another one, at least in my eyes yes, the second time he came to the nightclub, being possessive, I still didn't know who he was, I refused his offer again, it was an offense just because I am a dancer.

Our relationship grew little by little, and as much as I denied it, being engaged to Joshua, each time he appeared, it was as if my eyes noticed a characteristic of his, Joshua was long gone, two years that I did not feel his hands, his eyes on me, to have the eyes of another man desiring, wanting my body so much was the appetizer for the end.

The dark man disappeared, and in my eyes only the butchers remained, from the nightclub, those who use women as merchandise, I missed him, his mystery attracted me, who was he?

I stopped dancing at the club because Joshua found out that I dance, it was better to give up something insecure than my engagement, I just didn't imagine that he would come after me.

Thirsty, and once again I said no, in so many no's stored in my mouth, while my body was already starting to ask for yes, begging him to insist on touching me, having me, it was the craziest sin of all, a girl raised with good teachings desiring a married man.

I couldn't imagine that his giving up would bother me so much, and this time I was the one who went after him.

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Other books by JOELMA DEJESUS

Corrupted by the mafioso

Corrupted by the mafioso



Donna Belotti é uma jovem de vinte e poucos anos, linda, dançarina e sonhadora, que no momento só sonha com a recuperação da mãe, Amabis Belotti, lidando com a falta de dinheiro para o tratamento enquanto espera por um possível doador de medula óssea, é o que faz Donna trabalhar noites em uma boate. Noiva há alguns anos de seu namorado de longa distância, Josué, Donna o ama e sonha em se casar com ele assim que ele voltar da Espanha após seus estudos, mas não estava em seus planos cair em uma armadilha em outra noite de trabalho, quando seu colega a empurra para seu lugar na apresentação, para que o mal, O criminoso mais frio e cruel presente naquela noite, a escolheria como seu entretenimento sexual. Don Valente é um mafioso milionário, carrasco, frio, cruel ninguém sabe o que o fez assim, casado com uma mulher por acordo, cumprindo as exigências do casamento firmado entre famílias, uma noite ele decide ir caçar outra vítima para seu prazer, ele tinha sido informado sobre a estrela principal, Rosemary Garcia, uma mulher ousada, capaz de qualquer coisa por dinheiro, uma dessas mulheres aceitaria o que ele propusesse, seu erro, Rosemary foge dele quando descobre sua fama cruel, deixando a ingênua garota carente em seu lugar, observando a mulher no palco, tímida, quieta, Don Valente muda de ideia, quando quer um coelhinho para intimidar. Ele é atraído por seu jeito do palco, e quando ele descobre que ela não tem interesse nele, ele fará qualquer coisa para tê-la em suas mãos, será que Donna será capaz de se afastar dele?

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