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Diana is a seventeen-year-old student, who sees her life totally change after the loss of her mother, under the tutelage of her gambling-addicted stepfather, is kidnapped due to her debts, by the ruthless Maxwell Benavente, an Italian mobster. What he doesn't expect is that instead of a teenager as he expected, Diana is a real temptation, to him, who is about to get married. In order not to become a prostitute, the girl looks for ways to fool the gangster with housework in his nightclub, what he doesn't expect is that the girl is more than just a woman, being the daughter taken from his greatest enemy in the mafia.

Chapter 1 Diana Fontenele

- Let's wait a little longer... - I heard my uncle say, we were both looking at my mother in bed getting sick, until she started foaming at the mouth, I got out of her embrace, with her staring at both of us, I ran out in desperation screaming for help. - Help, help, help, help, my mother's in distress! - I shouted for all the neighbors to hear, but in vain knocking on all the doors in despair, some came out, others didn't, they were just a group of curious people who had formed at the door of the house, in the end no one really had any interest in helping.

- Diana! - I saw Uncle Tales standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets calling me close to them, with a serious look on his face - Diana is hopeless! - I froze at that moment, what did he mean by there's no way out? I looked at my uncle who crossed the street towards me, and once again patiently took my hand and looked into my eyes. - What do you mean? - He interrupted me at that moment, nodding. - Your mother has just passed away my dear! - I looked at him, something surged inside me, pain and regret surged when I heard the news, tears welled up in my eyes, falling without stopping, I denied it couldn't be true, maybe it was really because of regret or just the loss, the truth is that the last words I said to my mother was that I hated her, I called her a liar, I want to know who my father is, about him and once again as always she refused to tell me.

I was tired of asking, of always questioning and she never told me who he was, where he went, there were only a few memories left, which I was already forgetting, and as always she ran away, refusing to give me the answers that were important to me. But seeing her lifeless, was too painful, she was all I had in life, my mother, she was always the one who would pick me up at the police station, or at school after a fight and/or suspension, she was always trying to make me see life from other angles, and I refused. I looked at her lifeless body, she was no longer there with me.

That same day the people from the Medico-Legal Institute came, they packed him up and removed his body, I watched everything from the bedroom door, and once again as always gentle, I saw my uncle calling them in the corner to give him some cash, Uncle Thalles was always great to me, but I always saw him only as an uncle, and for someone who longs for the return of his father to pick him up, a stepfather was not enough, I need to know about my father, who is he? What is his name? What does he like to do? If I am like him, because I am very different in everything from my mother, from physical appearance, to personality, we were always in conflict. Why did he never come after me? But the main thing, why is he gone? It didn't take long for the funeral to be organized, after the goodbyes, once again I was embraced by some acquaintances, neighbors, my closest colleagues, most of the time I was wrapped in hugs by my uncle.

- Do you know what was the last thing I said to your mother? - I nodded, it was a gray day and it was raining a little. - That everything will go on just the same, only now I will take care of you, and you will take care of me. - I smiled weakly, my face heavy at that man who was always there, with yellowish skin, green eyes, light hair, a little chubby, I loved my mother, but the secret around my father tortures me, every memory I try hard to remember, they flee from me, I was forgetting everything about him, I only had the black stone ring on my finger left in my memory, worse than the only person I had left, I lost without knowing how to give him due value, she took the most important secret of my life to the grave. Everything about my father!

Two months passed quickly after his death, and really nothing changed, except for the lack of her, my uncle really cared for me. - Diana, wake up for breakfast! - I had been awake for a while, just updating my playlist to listen to my biology and English classes, since at least this one I passed, after my mom left, I left the parties and the mess aside, my eighteenth birthday would come in a week, I added dark tones to my closet, lately some slow songs come to me and I keep turning everything over in my mind not to forget my dad, and now her, my mom.

- Ready for today? - I asked excitedly, until she points with her chin across the street, I didn't look, I always knew who it was, he was always there watching us. - Let's forget it, I don't want to look at this idiot's face any time soon. - I walked arm in arm with my friend, going towards the classroom, in fact, forgetting Paulo, my first passion in life was not easy, but after spreading to everyone at school that he was my first man, he lost my heart, it was so close, so easy, he threw it away, with the loss of my mother, we drifted further and further apart, he tried a reconciliation, but for me, I only saw an idiot in front of me.

- Good morning girls! - I completely ignored him as he passed us in the living room. - Good morning Paulo! - I looked at the only one who answered, it was Cristina, I sighed in resignation. But before I could say anything about it, I saw him appear in front of me. - Diana, how long will you keep playing these stupid games?

I looked at his blue eyes, his smooth white skin, his dark brown hair neatly combed back, his thin nose, wearing his school uniform, he's handsome and he knows it, but I don't have to forgive him, he tried to grab my chin, I stepped back. - How long do you think I should play this game? You tell me, if just by putting your mouth on my breasts you went around the whole school saying what didn't happen, what will you say if it does?

I said in a loud voice, causing everyone to be surprised, I was already tired of the buzzing around corners, and looking at me, I saw the boy in front of me turn red and dull. - Diana. - I smiled, my answer had already been given, everyone has always known that I can't control my words, what did he want? Soon I felt the tug on the sleeve of my blouse, I looked at Paola beside me, disguisedly looking forward to tucking a blond lock of hair behind her ear. - Oh no! No. - I retorted, hadn't I done that? I did, Professor Mark was still standing near the table watching us attentively, his eyes fixed on us, and this was definitely a sure thing, my Uncle Thales would know about it that very afternoon.

Hours Later

- How could you, Diana? I trusted you, I always defended you to your mother, and look at you, while I was defending you at home what were you doing? - I shook my head sitting on the couch, it was the first time I had ever seen my uncle so agitated, pacing back and forth while he kept talking to me. - Uncle, it wasn't like that, I... I... had been dating Paulo for... - I lost my voice as he stared at me, his eyes were altered, upset.

- So you had already been dating Paulo? - I nodded, and received a sharp slap on the side of my face that burned with surprise, it burned like never before in my life, it was not my first slap in the face, from him, yes, but from my mother there had been some, we were always in conflict, but this was the first time he hit me. I put my hand on the side of my face feeling the tears fall. - What did you do? - He confirmed, giving me the utmost certainty that yes, he had hit me. - What do you think I am? Santa Claus, I help you with your homework, feed you, buy you clothes, and what do you think you are, Cinderella Diana? - I denied, while my face still hurt from the slap.

- From this day on, you will no longer go near this boy, straight home after school, and if you insist, no, you don't want to see my worst face Diana, I swear you'll regret it bitterly if you force me to reveal my other side. - As he got closer I noticed his red eyes, in the thirteen years I have known him I have never seen him so upset. - What will happen to me uncle? I'm going to fail, I need to study? Is this how you promised to take care of me? - He smiled nodding, this scared me, but I am Diana Fontenelle I would not let myself be tormented by him. - No, you can't do that, I'm going to be eighteen and you're not my father.

He affirmed with his hands on his hips. - No, I'm not, I never wanted to be your father, Diana, you dare walk through this door and we'll see if anyone on this street knowing your reputation as a bad daughter, seeing the headaches you gave your mother, will help you get away from me, what will you say? That I beat you? That I forbid you to go out? - I denied it, with the recurring arguments between me and my mother before his departure no one on the street would believe me.

But I stood up in front of him, who spun on his heels in fury, I didn't know that man in front of me, his hands came to my chest, pushing me against the sofa. - Sit here! - At the first opportunity I ran into the bedroom. I closed the bedroom door quickly, before seeing him go up the stairs, I didn't know what he could do to me at that moment, next week I will be of age, I will be away from him, I can control my own life.

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