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Chapter 3 What are you doing here at this hour

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 17/05/2023

ghost. He just drove his car into the garage and immediately ran to the elevator, Mikey's hand kept press

oor in without knocking. The doctor didn't even need to look up t

appointment. Before you sit dow

is chair. The young doctor got up from his seat, he got Mikey a cup of cof

r disease

ffee in one gulp, sho

t her

ulled up a chair next to Mikey, the doctor's c

eep breath and



ems to have for

ed David suddenly disappeared,

u sure i

ink I could

couldn't believe wh

y for you so she's act

got about me. She hasn't looked for me in a month, met

table, facing Mik

something. Have yo

d an eyebro

r brother was hospitalized. She has to do a lot of work

nodded in

hy she does

r a moment and

you want t

t up straight, a

don't know and ask

moment, then he loo

u ca

to the company, Mikey immediately rushed to solve the work piled up on his d

ternoon, so she texted me to tell

y whirled around with corporate papers and reports. He will not be able to sit in this position of ge

fternoon, Luck poked his

need to go to

wrist, then got up wearily out of

r tomorrow's meeting, I'l

tonight, your wife

face is

Please prepare the documents to put

ke way for Mikey. Luck watched the shadow of his

ity has become increasingly difficult to understand. He wasn't like that before. Alth

got that he had to go to the airport to pick up Yan, but turned around and drove in the opposite direction, slowl

time without seeing Elena return. So Mikey got ou

oor when he saw her in a waitress un

hat table and then passed this place. She was startled when she saw the guest sitting in front of him. Ele

table where Mikey was sitting.

red drinks at t

you h

ld you lik

m, I'm here

d then quickly put on the standard sta

t work so I ca

ally, she just turned to walk a

, how much do people pay you,

nd from Mikey's, her face calm w

a reception menu, you can find

ists were clenched once more, the hot

away, a voice low en

ed this job to make money

out of p

the cafe, then he looked back at the person

ant does not have many cu

call. There was a hint of disappointment on Mikey's face, but he could

ne, Elena quickly escaped, she went to the cashie

ure, he smiled, paying little

y, so I couldn't come to you. Can you take a taxi h

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