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Unwritten Destiny

Chapter 4 Sanz PoV

Word Count: 1455    |    Released on: 19/05/2023

ith a frown as he clung to me

re. I just defended her..... ahm... that's

nd looked at me from

that look of yours?" He

of me? Even though I'm like


anting sa

?!!" The ugly boss said angrily. "You're embarras

rom each other. Alas! I don't want to fight

he boss asked again

s. But maybe he's a fr

h other with a frown. That

rrhea. I had a stomach ache when

ose away when we get h

away? What is this, a m

ou calling ugly?!

elbowed me in the side,

! It

lbowing?!" I'm

Can you shut up?!" He

ead is getti

t kids,

-headed, I'm going


met with a kick in the stomach. He bounced. Then I tweake

father taught me Eskrima before he became a seaman. He said that I could defend myself and Charlie because

was still alive. There! Still ki


It's because you're looking at others

our opponent

e and retaliated with a quick ki

re already on the ground. Elliot is also goo

ill ha

was standing as the leader of the group

can talk a

t was just an ugly prop a

m sorry but... I don't

My jaw hurts b

him but Elliot grabbed me by

ou can really say? After we almost got

y is the one I


d just frowned at the man. The boss

mps are just w

him looking at me. "What ar

to fence," h

now?" I

. It's just that... those

oughed at El

for us in our weird club," he sai



ritannican Building and a smiling Miss Ki

iot. "Your clubmates were cleaning a whi

I frowned

an said angrily before quickly marching into the Bu

. "Wait Miss Kira, I'm just clarifying

re a girl," Kira s

Eh? You know?" T

o him. "Yes. The first time I look

do they all look

r eyes are the windows of our soul... well. That's true! I can see your soul inside your eyes..


eed pa

it's like the

third eye. Did I tell


rl think of me, ghost?

t?" I just asked to d

anz for a while now. I have something to say a

were ahead and.........oh shoot

is certain that Sanz is the one with Elle, and

t time I won't let the

ilding," Miss Kira said to her. "Don't worry, I won't say

ub who were busy cleaning and hauling some things. As well

d I almost fainted at the amount of clutter and old


res and other old school stuff. There are trophies and plaq

oscov Sergens'. Maybe he is the owner of the di

tairs. He has arrived. I didn't pay attention

ple, gold bars! Or expensive base or whatever. E


d a strong wind blew. I guess

sed it. Brrr! The air is col


meone w

that?" I



g when someone whistled

houted. "It'

I noticed that they were all busy cleaning s


rom there. I slowly walked to the right wing. It's

e right wing i

ong tin

ing. I grabbed the lock of the door and

red t


n old wind chime with the metal stick he wa

igh of relief. I tho

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