Murder in Any Degree
middle, showing scalp beneath; mustache would be lighter than hair-if not dyed; usually clipped to about an inch. Waxy complexion, light blue eyes a little close tog
he sits in a chair places himself sidewise and hangs both arms over back. In walking strikes back part of heel first, and is apt to waver from time to time. Dresses neatly, carries hands in side-pockets only-plays piano constantly, composing as he goes along
hich Greenfield would have to change his temperament as well as his physical aspec
inct for the south as though a frantic return to barbarism. At this time Chile and the Argentine had
ustice had eliminated the necessity for considering time. Frawley had no need to guess, nor to risk. He had simply to become a wheel
where a thousand little men were scratching endlessly, and on the b
at Guayaquil, Ecuador, and facing a riot at Callao, Peru, before he found at Lima the trail of the fugitive. Greenfield had passed the day there and left
n the tongue of South America, through the Straits of Mage
able in the Criterion Gardens, a hand fell o
l, B
omplexion, was laughing in expectation of his discomfiture. Frawley
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