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My Lady of Doubt


Word Count: 2178    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

arrow passage, blinded me for the instant, yet a moment later, I became aware of

g the door at my back, and as instantly gripping my sleeve. Her breath came quickly; h

d. The passage curved slightly, terminating at a closed door. Scarce a reflection of the candle reached us here, yet my eyes were

Grant," I protested blindly. "You are

e was not coming to you personall

e knew m

t was glad enough of an excuse, no doubt, but he," the soft voice falte

to save me!" I exclai

uld do no less. I am on

you might re

aiting. I ran through the kitchen and down the back stairs; I helped the officers plan their decorations, and in

the speakers exercised little restraint. I felt the girl's slender figure press against me in

either afraid, or else what you say he is. See here, boy

d a negro, hesitatingly. "I was bus

broke in Grant impatiently, "and we've be

his game, probably. Osborne, have Carter come here at once. Why didn't you

row in the ball-room; he

sely. "Something besides m

r a small service in the afternoon, and she couldn't refuse dancing with him, as he was in unif

newcomer's spurs as he cross

en a spy in here to-night, calling himself Lieutenant Fortesque, of the 42nd Regiment. He c

g about with him all day-Watts; I hea

o? Where'd

d he asked questions of everybody they met, but he didn't take any notes. He

d out. He'll head northwest likely; he'll never t


troopers can easily get ahead of him. Hurry up now." Carter departe

ose outposts will nab him before daylight. No use

n my arm tightened, her li

you know what to do; this is a rear door; there are stables a hundred

se-but how ca

w what mad impulse sent me here. Now I have but one thought


heard what they said; every avenue of escape will be blocked withi

it warmly, unable longer to war aga

ory which will never permit me to be satisfied until

sham; a cheat," a trifle of bitterness in the tone. "You will learn all that some day, and laugh

y, I crept in that direction, breathing again more freely as I reached its protection unobserved. There was a guard stationed before the stable door-a Grenadier, from the outline of his hat-and others, a little group, were sitting on the grass a dozen feet away. If they had not been already warned I might gain a horse by boldness, but the probability was that here was where Carter had mounted his squad, and I would merely walk forward into a trap. I had better chance the possibility that some visitor had left a horse tied in front, or to one of the stands. With this possibility in mind I turned, and skirted the house, making myself as inconspicuous as possible. There were soldiers on the outside steps

shortly. "Who are you? What the devil

e realized its probable meaning? Someway I was not frightened, at thus meeting him, but glad-if those others would only keep away, and let us settle the affair between us. Here was his test-a coward would cry out an alarm, summon the

ave I? Why did you fail to k

th, peering at me through the

luck! Do you mean to ins

d to taunt him to action. "I waited where you told me till I wa

ithout comprehending its pur

the word spy just now. Did

ice tremble. "I called you a spy, and you are one, you sneaking night rat. Y

hat was t

t, Mister Lieute

hever you choose will depend upon whether you are a man, or a cur." I took a step nearer, watching him as best I could in the dark. "You

; then the breath surged through his clinched teeth in a mad oath. He

ctually me

cause enough? If not

ot figh

om. The expression of your eyes was an insult. Don't evade now. I am here, wearing the uniform of the British army. I ha

my words had already half convinced him there might be some mistake. Should he call to the men on the steps yonder, denounce me, and turn me over to the guard? That was the easiest way for him, the greater dis

er pleased, my friend; wh

I'll show yo

f his drawn blade, and f

your watchful friends yonder; besides the light is poor. Let's try

ess. The stars gleamed on the naked weapons held in our hands, but we exchanged no

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