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Word Count: 1720    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

y long enough to receive the mail an

ter clinging to him. At first Hugh rather enjoyed the situation, but as Veath's amiable sacrifice became more intense, he grew correspondingly uncomfortabl

admire the sunny-faced, frank, stalwart Indianian. When Hugh's heart was sorest, a slap on the back fro

ly when she began to realize there was no escape from consequences. That usually pleasant word "brother" became unb

the other end of the deck-house, leaning over the rail, smoking viciously, was Hugh, alone, angry, sulky. It was a beautiful night, cool and crisp, calm and soft. A rich full moon threw its glorious sh

speak with Grace. She had plotted and calculated

back," vowed Hugh as he glared with glo

more up the deck toward the disconsolate relative. "There are a great many pretty young women o

ow she longed to steal up from behind and throw her arms about his neck.

a bit," suggested Veath, innocently ma

lf better than if we were with

ly like moons

love; 'perhaps' was the w

a brother never confides in his sister. At

," she answered, a merry sparkle coming into he

your love affairs," he said j

confidences," she finally said

volume. How does it en

it?" She laughed hysterically, recovering quickly from the effects of the star

jaw. His hands were jammed into his pockets and his cap was drawn well down over his eyes. He was passing without a wo

ge, going below

the ship goes," ca

oing below," laug

was the bitter retort

'd better talk to your brother. Tell him she'll be true, and if she isn't, convince him that there are just as good fis

sea as he," she said,

n in knowing that the sea casts up its dea

him and her heart sank. During the meal the good-natured Indianian did most of the talking, being driven at last, by the strange reticence of his companions, to the narration of a series of person

er in the act of pressing Hugh's hand as it was being withdrawn from sight. With a knowing smile he bent close to her and whispered

le acts of gallantry which fall to the lot of a lover but hardly to that of a brother--a score of things that would not have been observed by the latter, but which were inwardly cursed by the lover. Hugh began to have the unreasonable fear that she cared more for Veath's socie

r. There was no response. The steward, quite a distance down the pass

ble. Afterward he sought recreation and finally went to h

he heard her voi

h is in his room

boat and eloped Shall I rap and

ll tell him wher

Hugh to himself, glaring at the

he made no move to respond. Again the knocking

he growled softly but triumphantly. Veath

ll see if I can find him. Go

untroubled: "Tell him we'll go ov

them another time--eh? Well, not if I know it! I'll show her what's what!" A minute later he rapped at Miss Vernon

Where have y

call me dea

you this morning. I said I would not go unless he

wanted me?" he

. Won't you ever understand th

r understand love

you all mornin

in the right pla

s the rig

l game of bridge in the room of one of the passengers. At this moment Veath

you, old man. Sorry you were not along this morn

see the ship," s

race. "How did you know w

anaged to gulp i

oning that he had already lunched--insufficiently though it had been; but with the return of re

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