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Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 2001    |    Released on: 29/05/2023



ld've dallied a little to see if perhaps, he'd say something to me. I paused and laughed again. What am I even thinking? How on earth am I expecting the World's Best Dancer to speak to me? I should actually feel honored he was able to watch me dance. That's like the biggest honor of my life. Oh my! He was so cute. I'll never forget that face. His family and friends are so lucky to always be around him. I tossed on the bed, still smiling when a knock on the door snapped me out of my wonderland. "Maxine!!" I heard Tammy scream. "What the hell are you still doing in there? Hurry up so you can fix my nails!" She bickered and I sprang on my feet. Oh God!🤦🏻 * * ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰ * * Noah's Pov: I laid on the bed in a ruminative mood, deeply thinking about dad's offer. Why on earth does he want me to get married before gaining possession of the company? This was the second day. How am I expected to find a wife in less than 12 days? God! This man is just being impossible. Is he trying to punish me or what? He knows I've always wanted to be in charge of the company because of my love dancing. Why's he trying to punish me for it, huh? I thought angrily for a long time and finally decided to get a drink to cool me off. I headed for the sitting room and met mum on a phone call. I walked pass her to the refrigerator and pulled out a drink. ☎Whaaaat? She yelled on the phone. ☎That's not possible! The party's tomorrow. How can such a thing happen at this moment? I turned and watched her curiously. I wonder what has happened again. She kept grumbling on the phone, looking like she wanted to cry and after a while, she dropped the call. "Oh my God!!" She winced, throwing her phone away. "Mum? What's wrong?" I asked cursorily. "It's the dancer, Noah!" She groaned. "The lady who's supposed to dance at the party! They just called and told me she had an accident and has been admitted. What the hell am I going to do? This is already evening! We have just a few hours led. Dignitaries will be there - its gonna be aired live. We can't just disappoint them now! "Gosh! This party's meant to be a blast! I wanted everything to happen perfectly. Why the hell does this have to happen now, Noah?" I scoffed and drank from my glass. "Well, we can just look for someone else" I suggested. "How am I sure she's gonna be as perfect as this lady? I needed a very good dancer, Noah and this lady was the best. I seriously don't get why she had to be admitted now" she grumbled and plonked herself on the couch. I suddenly recalled the girl at the bar. She was kind of a good dancer. Well, I didn't know her and I couldn't find myself going after someone. So, I guess mum would've to sort out her problem herself. * * Maxine's Pov: "Maxine!! Maxine!! Are you dead or what?" My aunt's bleary voice came penetrated into my deep sleep and forced my eyes open. She was banging on the door. Oh my God! Is it morning yet? "Maxine!!!" She yelled and banged on the door again and I sat up. "I'm...I'm coming, aunt!" I replied tiredly. "How can you be sleeping like a corpse? Will you get off that bed before I burn you alive?" She snarled as I itched my eyes. "I'll...I'll be there shortly, aunt" I replied and heard her walk away. Gosh! I was so tired and dizzy. I really needed a lot of rest. I itched my head and was about leaving the bed when my phone started vibrating. Thank goodness it was on silen

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