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The Trifecta's Hybrid

Chapter 3 Never In Her Wildest Dreams!

Word Count: 1090    |    Released on: 29/05/2023

ut sparing them another glance, Alisa strutted away with pride. 'They both deserve each other' she thought with a sneer. A fake bitch and a pathetic scum.Walking into the restaurant, her sight

ey please without a care in the world.One of them had even leered at her mother and when she told him she was already married, he was pissed off and slapped her.Her mom beat the Alpha into a pulp to the surprise of many onlookers. She was the best fighter the pack had, and the previous Alpha admired her strength plus, she was an Alpha too.Sometimes, Alisa couldn't help but wonder why she never complained when her father went out of line. Walking down the stairs, she felt a chill as her eyes fell on the empty house before her. She had been living alone in this big house for two years and she had done her best to avoid staying in it but today, she had nowhere to run to or hide at.She would have to go to the pack house at around 2pm to make dinner for the Alphas that would be arriving later that evening.Rubbing her hand against the table, she remembered the last time she ate on this table. The day her mother died.She had gone on a mission and was killed in battle. Worst of all, she didn't get to bury her mother. Alisa had spent 3 days crying in her mother's bedroom and had wished she could die and join her mother.No matter what tricks she tried, she could not die, which disappointed her greatly.'Knock! Knock!' Alisa's thoughts were interrupted when she heard the deafening sound of a knock.Ingrid groaned in displeasure making Alisa chuckle happily. She was happy that her wolf was recovering fast."You are wanted in the pack house" the person who had knocked on her door said at once as she opened it.He was a warrior who seemed to be in his mid-twenties. He had a serious look on his face that could scare the average wolf, but Alisa was not bothered by it."My work there starts in the afternoon" she said, stating the obvious."The Alpha King and his entourage are arriving at noon, so you a

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