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The Trifecta's Hybrid

Chapter 8 Saying Yes To One Date

Word Count: 1503    |    Released on: 30/05/2023

like. She wondered if it would be like those scenes in the movies she watched. Too shy to reply, she meekly nodded her head."Is that a, yes?" Jason asked happily and Alisa nodded again before running into the bathroom.Jason hurriedly jumped off the bed and hurried off to get ready for his date. He texted Jordan about the date and told him of his plan to convince her to go back with them. He also encouraged Jordan to work hard without worry as he will make sure to take proper care of their mate.Reading his brother's text message, Jordan squeezed his phone in annoyance shattering it to pieces. His assistant Mike took out a brand-new phone and handed it to him immediately.Seeing the sour look on Jordan's face, the Alphas gulped down nervously. An angry Lycan was a terrifying remarkable sight. They silently prayed for their lives as they held their breaths in fear of breathing loudly and annoying him.Jordan glared at them coldly, yesterday, the first half of the summit had gone smoothly but somehow today, the Alpha's seemed to have a lot of issues to report. Somehow, he believed they were intentionally keeping him away from his mate. If he postponed the meeting, then he would have to spend an extra day here which would affect his business and that might also give the Alphas more time to produce more issues to report.Pack rivalry was common, and this was his duty, so he was not mad at them. The only thing that bugged him was having to sit here while his brother enjoyed some alone time with their mate. He was reluctant to miss out such an opportunity.His glare was still fixed on the Alphas as he asked, "Anymore issues?"The Alphas looked at each other nervously, they were reluctant to speak as they feared for their lives. They were not happy with the idea of giving up but were too scared to risk their lives."Mike!" Jordan roared suddenly scaring the shit out of them."Yes, my lord," Mike replied immediately as he bowed with respect."Handle whatever issues they have as you see fit. If they argue with your decisions, tear them apart and select a new Alpha to take their place." He instructed Mike and left the hall.The Alphas were dumbstruck, but they did not dare to argue. Mike might only be the king's beta, but he was an Alpha by blood and a Lycan. Slaughtering them all at once will not be hard for him.Alisa did not want to dress up for the date so as not to give Jason any ideas but found herself rethinking it repeatedly. It was already past 6 in the evening and the moon will reach its apex around 9:20pm. She was expected to be at the town square by 8:30 as the ceremony starts by 9.She would have to wear a dress and a cloak

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