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Word Count: 1744    |    Released on: 30/05/2023

st time I came here. To my surprise everything was in order and it looked like someone has been cleaning it.

other's room, when I got there I knocked. I was expecting to see my brother but

little beautiful tiara on a head. She stared a

outside staring at each other. When I got inside there was no tra

sk the lady that is staring at me

re you to just invade people's privacy withou

ay. Remember what happened the last time, this time I will make sure I make you

her, she looks all beautiful on the out

or what I could do? Stay away from Andrew, he lo

ther. Well let me tell you something, you have to climb mountains to convince me" I told her leavi

ed immediately he saw me and Anna staring at eac

n. He was all tall with muscles, at that minute I was proud of the man he has

nside your room without permission" our miss prin

tanding and speaking for herself

ded to her already said nonsense. I got angry and walked up to her

ot like. You told him all my parts what about yours you freak

, what is wrong with the

razy girlfriend" I s

the way she like and you won't do anything. I just to

do Anna?" Andrew asked

threatened a roy

do that Anna"

he asked again. She was afraid of the

her. She was surprised for a while and then she looke

me she was your sis

er cared or asked" And

eave you too alone

you see her" Andrew asked me immediately she l

s? And about your girlfriend she started

friend nothing more. So why are you here? T

u sounding so angry?" I decided to

line of sentences and left, now you are back a

tes just to talk to him because I knew he was the only one

you the one that was rejected at birth or were you the one that was said to have some stupid

asked. I spent the last ten years of my life all by myself and you never even bothered t

ave the palace. He said you left on your own will an

g the truth. And here I was thinking I have someone to talk to, that e

hat Dad said and I let my anger blind me to

w calling me and saying he was sorry. I wasn't angry at him but my father. Did he hate

booked the night I saw the Woods. Coming here I thought I was coming to


ars and stupidly believed him. He made me beli

had something to do with it but instead of taken

he left. She was so disappointed from the look on her face. I don't think she is ever


at down on the street bench hoping that it may come out if I waited more but n

people on the road again. I got up an

I said and I angry throw a stone at that particular place. Great I argued with my b

arked you will be able to see it. So good for some powerful mark that

nd it will do it" someone said bu

ou?" I asked because I was c

it will do it" the voice said again. But that voice

he woods was in front of me. It worked, but wait how do I know if

ing, but am totally harmle

I trust yo

erstand better when we get

es?" I asked getting

yourself invisibl

e it even replied me I have already wished my

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1 Chapter 1 PRINCESS MIA2 Chapter 2 THE BALL3 Chapter 3 THE BALL 24 Chapter 4 THE BALL 35 Chapter 5 THE WOODS 6 Chapter 6 THE VISION 7 Chapter 7 VOICE FROM THE BOX8 Chapter 8 THE CAVE 9 Chapter 9 MATE 10 Chapter 10 THE BOUNDING 11 Chapter 11 AWAKE 12 Chapter 12 THE MOON PARK 13 Chapter 13 THE SPELL CAVE14 Chapter 14 THE KIDNAP15 Chapter 15 GETTING TO KNOW YOU16 Chapter 16 A BUSINESS WITH THE KING17 Chapter 17 A MEETING WITH THE KING 218 Chapter 18 OUTCAST WITCHES 19 Chapter 19 THE ORIGIN OF THE CRISTAL 20 Chapter 20 THE ORIGIN OF THE CRISTAL 221 Chapter 21 CONFRONTATION 22 Chapter 22 FEELINGS 23 Chapter 23 PUNISHED 24 Chapter 24 WITCH SEA25 Chapter 25 WITCH SEA 226 Chapter 26 EARN THE MAP27 Chapter 27 THE GOBLINS 28 Chapter 28 THE CROWN 29 Chapter 29 THE CROWN 230 Chapter 30 THE DEMON31 Chapter 31 TEA MEETING 32 Chapter 32 TEA MEETING 233 Chapter 33 THE DISCOVERY 34 Chapter 34 DOCTOR STEVEN 35 Chapter 35 DOCTOR STEVEN 236 Chapter 36 JEALOUSY CAN SAVE 37 Chapter 37 FRIENDS38 Chapter 38 SHOCKED 39 Chapter 39 BEGINNING OF THE GAME 40 Chapter 40 ATTACKED 41 Chapter 41 ATTACKED 242 Chapter 42 MOLLY TO THE RESCUE 43 Chapter 43 MOLLY TO THE RESCUE 244 Chapter 44 TROUBLE IN PARADISE 45 Chapter 45 THE PEARLS 46 Chapter 46 THE PEARLS 247 Chapter 47 HIS ANGER 48 Chapter 48 HIS ANGER 249 Chapter 49 THE ELIMINATION SPELL50 Chapter 50 PRESSURE 51 Chapter 51 LOST IN THE DARK 52 Chapter 52 LOST IN THE DARK 253 Chapter 53 MEMORIES LOST54 Chapter 54 BACK IN ENGLAND 55 Chapter 55 BACK IN ENGLAND 256 Chapter 56 A BABY ON THE WAY57 Chapter 57 THINGS FALLING IN PLACE 58 Chapter 58 A HAPPY ENDING