Fatal Attraction
, a nostalgic glint in his eye. He said that the Guardians of the Forest were legendary, possessing superhuman strength and special abilities that allowed them to take on any foe. They were a kind of liaison between humans and werewolves, working tirelessly to maintain peace and harmony in the forest. These two great warriors, whose names were etched in my grandfather's memory, were Bruno, and Luna. They banded together to combat the vicious werewolf threat and led a fierce war against him and
uana let out a sigh punishing herself in thought for being excited with the transformation, realizing that the fear was in the background, "I don't think we should think about killing, ext
akes me dizzy, my grandfather said that in the war between werewolves a baby was taken by fugitives, it was
dfather must know the location, we could reach these people, investigate,
ad us to them, I was excited to discover that they were real, that we are not alone
o him again "Because your grandf
othing to do, you're in the car, not
thing we leave for later, don'
them, Gerson for discovering that he was a guardian by inheritance and Luana for feeling increasingly stronger a physical attraction for him that exceeded his underst
re doctor she wanted to study and know everything she could, the hearts of both they burned curious and anxious for the new discovery. They were also afraid, commenting on the speed at which the werewolf ran
the field, there were corn and other cereal plantations, showing the family's income, the lights were on and when they approached from the
tter to wait a bit to get in, because they'll g
rget I want to know
nd wanted details, she could hear the questions that were asked about the werewolf , but she didn't quite understand the comments made by the answers, becoming interested in knowing what they were
imagined that their scared expression, as well as the angry hormones
ding his family's reaction to Luana "It's okay guys she knows
e revealed our house to one of them, sh