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Fatal Attraction

In the distant past, a brutal war broke out between werewolf tribes in a society hidden from human eyes. Divided into alphas and betas, werewolves fought for power and control of their territory. Driven by an insatiable desire for power and dominance, a ruthless beta has led his group in a bloody war, gaining the upper hand over the alphas. However, Luna, a brave werewolf, joined forces with her great love to reverse the game and achieve victory. Pregnant and injured after the battle, Luna was powerless to protect her baby, who was born moments later. A group hiding in the woods took the child away as Luna looked on helplessly. Years passed and she believed her daughter was lost forever, a victim of the hatred that boiled over on that fateful day. Over time, the life of werewolves has changed dramatically. Now, young werewolves blend in discreetly with humans, hiding their true nature. The werewolf who found Luana, Luna's lost daughter, plans to trade the throne for his life. However, upon meeting the girl, she is delighted with her innocence and decides to raise her as her own daughter, omitting the truth about her origin as a werewolf. As Luana grows up and attends college, she begins to realize that there are secrets hidden within her and the people around her. As she becomes involved with other werewolves, she discovers her true nature and her mother's history, unraveling the mysteries of her own identity. Amid betrayals, forbidden love and imminent battles, Luana becomes a key player in the fight for peace and unification of werewolf tribes. "Fatal Attraction" is a story full of action, romance and hidden secrets, where a young woman discovers her destiny and fights to protect those she loves while unraveling the complexities of a supernatural world full of mysteries and dangers.

Chapter 1 fatal attraction

Once upon a time, there was a mystical forest, where a pack of werewolves lived in harmony with nature. These werewolves, known as the Guardians of the Forest, protected their territory and cared for all the creatures that lived there. However, one day, peace was threatened when a group of invading wolves, led by the cruel Dark Alpha, decided to take control of the forest.

Alpha Lucas was known for his ruthless nature and his lust for power. He believed that only the strongest werewolves deserved to rule and was determined to subdue all other packs in the region. With his cunning tactics and an army of loyal werewolves, he began to conquer territory after territory.

The Guardians of the Forest, led by the noble Alpha Bruno, were determined to resist the invasion. They summoned all werewolves in the region who valued peace and harmony to join them in the battle against Alpha Lucas and his followers.

The war between the Guardians of the Forest and the invading wolves was fierce. Battles were fought with ferocity and determination, with wolves fighting side by side to protect their home and peaceful way of life. Forest Guardians had the advantage of loyalty to one another and the special connection they had to the nature around them.

However, the Alfa Lucas was relentless. He used ingenious strategies, exploiting the weaknesses of the Guardians of the Forest and not hesitating to sacrifice his own followers to achieve his goals. The war raged on for months, with both sides suffering losses and fighting valiantly.

But then something unexpected happened. In the midst of the war, a young wolf named Luna, who lived in the forest as a lone outsider, had an encounter with the White Alpha. She was a wolf with a pure heart and had witnessed the atrocities committed by the Dark Alpha. Inspired by the courage and determination of the Guardians of the Forest, she decided to join the fight.

Luna used her cunning and agility to infiltrate enemy ranks and uncover the Dark Alpha's plans. With crucial information in hand, she returned to the Guardians of the Forest and shared her knowledge. With this newfound advantage, the Guardians began to turn the tide of war.

Led by Luna and Alpha Bruno, the Guardians of the Forest launched a final assault against the Dark Alpha and his army. The final battle was epic, with the werewolf fighting fiercely amidst the dense vegetation of the forest. In the end, the courage and determination of the Forest Guardians prevailed.

But the brave Luna had not revealed to anyone that she was pregnant and after the fierce war, moving away from everyone a little, moved by the pains of childbirth, Luna gives birth alone in the forest to a girl, tired of the birth and the battle she is unable to to protect from some followers who had hidden when they realized they were losing the war, taking the little wolf girl that had just been born and leaving Luna lying on the ground.

Luna's eyes filled with tears and her heart was filled with a great sadness, her will was to stand up and defend her daughter, but her injured body did not obey her, unable to do anything but cry seeing her daughter being taken while her vision it got dark and she fainted in that place.

That same day Luna was found and treated, recovering her health and telling her what had happened and about the pregnancy and with Bruno, the alpha werewolf she had been hiding.

Searches were made throughout the territory, but they never found that group again and Luna followed without even knowing the color of her daughter's eyes. Carrying a sadness in her heart and imagining that her daughter had probably been killed. Continuing life in a sad and incomplete way.

Years had passed and Luana was starting college, she had realized in high school that she was different from most girls, and that wasn't because of a culture or personality, Luana felt things different from other people, her strength, her vision, his sense of smell, sensitivity and instincts, everything was different and he had no explanation for it.

It was also different in her family and family where everyone was brunette with black hair and she had snow white skin color, curly blonde hair and green eyes, she was also tall, average around six feet tall, her lips were an unusual red, strong and attractive. But it wasn't just that, they didn't have many relatives, but they all had twin babies , only she was born alone. She loved her mother very much, but she realized that her ideas were different from everyone else's, that could not be explained, and Luana thought it was her life.

The parents never wanted to take her to a hospital for an examination, saying that if she didn't feel bad, there would be no need.

Luana was always seen as “the weird one” for being different, but now looking at that huge campus she thought that things could be different, because she didn't think about telling others how she was or felt.

“Come back here Luana” Barbara shouted to her daughter in the intention that at least once she heard “Let's go in together”.

Luana paused in her thoughts and steps to wait for her mother, she was eighteen, she could have been there alone, but her mother made a point of accompanying her everywhere, she had never done anything alone and longed for that freedom. Not being the only one in the family to be on campus , as her brothers were in their third year of medicine, all of them were on scholarships, entering college because of their resourcefulness in sports, but the treatment with them was different, they had “ freedom” and as the mother was always behind her, the brothers were free.

"I don't see any of the boys here to help us with the bags."

"No need mom, I'll carry it".

“But they were supposed to be here, I don't want her to be left alone, since she decided to study on the other side of the city”.

The mother continued to complain while Luana watched the people around her, imagining what life must be like with so many young people living in a place without parental supervision. She also observed the groups sitting on the grass wondering which one fit best, the building was also big and the two were looking for the room with difficulty, asking one and the other until they found the correct corridor and after a while finding it.

As soon as they entered one side of the room was occupied and a beautiful young woman was sitting on the bed listening to her mother go on and on, making a face at Luana when the mothers greeted each other, being returned by a smile.

So Luna's mother helped her settle in the room and when night fell, she said goodbye to her daughter with great pain in her heart.

“Luana” Said the mother, holding back tears “Stay away from confusion and social media, this is not good, control your strength and master your anger, if you need your brothers they are here, resort urgently and if you call me, look for me. Don't forget darling, I'm your mother."

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