The magic paintbrush
med Chen. Chen was a poor orphan who lived with his grandmother. He lov
The old man handed Chen a paintbrush. It was no ordinary paintbrush. The bristles were made of gold, and the handle was carved from jade. "This is a magic paintbrush," the old man sai
a real bowl of rice. He painted a bird, and it flew off the page. Chen was thrilled with his new gift. But one day, the greedy e
w he had to obey the emperor, but he did not want to use his magic paintbrush for evil purposes. So, he painted a palace that was invisible to the naked eye. The emperor was furious when he saw that Chen had not painted anything. The emperor ordered Chen to be thrown in jail. But Chen's grand
gry, and he painted houses for the homeless. The emperor heard about Chen's good deeds and invited him to the palace. The emperor apologized again and asked Chen to paint a portrait of him. Chen agreed, and he painted a beautiful portrait of the emperor. The em