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Moonlit Desire

Chapter 2 Sam Smith, the Determined Investigator

Word Count: 1189    |    Released on: 02/06/2023

ty. The sounds of clinking glasses and hushed conversations filled the smoky atmosphere, adding to the clande

ion. His gaze landed on a rugged man with weathered features sitting alone at a corner tab

r?" Sam inquired, leaning

es, studying Sam with c

measured. "I'm investigating the disappearance of Isabella. I believe you a

g. "I don't know what you're talking abou

ped Isabella. James is dead, and now I hear that Ma Eve and you have taken control. I'm

er of remorse flashed in his eyes before he composed himself, adopting a guarded expr

ard, sliding it across the table. "I'm a private investigator hired by Isabella's family. I work independently. My only interest is finding

next move. After a tense moment, he finally nodded. "Fine. I'll tell you

steady. "I give you my word. Isab

r in Mexico City. We moved to a secluded hideout deep in the countryside. It's an old

wly coming together. "Can you give me any more specifics? Any land

ss his face. "There's an old stone well near the entrance. It's cove

y that consumed him. "Thank you, Hector. Your cooperation means a lot. I'll do

ust... be careful. Ma Eve is cunning, and she won't let Isabella go without a fi

stand the risks, Hector. But I won't let fear deter me from my mi

oncern. "I hope you're as good as they say,

cket. He extended his hand towards Hector. "Thank you for your cooperatio

ing Sam's hand. "Just remember your promi

p, a cool breeze washing over him, energizing his determination. The information provided by

ore. Her captivating smile seemed to shine through the darkness, urging him

h. The old stone well and the secluded hacienda would be his next destination. The task ahead was peril

inging him closer to the heart of the unknown. The moon hung high in the sky, cast

air grew heavy with anticipation as he scoured the area, searching for the elusive

, a forgotten relic from the past, a silent witness to the secrets hidden within the hacie

. Gripping the edges, he lifted the heavy stone lid, revealing a narrow opening that descended in

otsteps reached his ears. His senses heightened, Sam pressed forward, following

ndles. In the center stood Ma Eve, an imposing figure with a menacing aura. Isabella, her f

proach. "So, the little investigator has f

ice firm. "Release Isabella,

ioned to her henchmen. "Oh, it's far from over,

, Sam's instincts ki

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