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Chapter 3 JOB HUNT.

Word Count: 2644    |    Released on: 15/01/2024

id said as he walked into his office. "I told you am not interested, why don't you do that yourself. This interview was your idea

and am getting paid for one. Which is a lot stressful for me." "I have to cancel my date with my girlfriend, just because of you, and she is pissed as it is right n

g down the drain. Ignoring his response, David asked his next question. "How many people do you want me to shortlist for the physical interview?" "tw

r trip to the park. The bus ride back home, was also a re

r laptop on her laps. It seems she was busy with something. "A client of mine wants to video chat with me on Skype, we planned on doing it by 5:30pm today but he is late again and I have been trying to call hi

, whatever you like girl, am cool with it." She replied. "Alrigh

ta from the fridge. Then, she walked to the top cupboard to

who was finally on video call with her client. She mouthed a 'be right there' to Kassie before she continued her meeting. "I'll need those file

inning chairs. "No not yet." "I'll do that after the meal." Kassie replied. T

s Hour?" Kassie asked Sid, whose concentration was still on her phone. "Sid!" Kassie called out but Sid, was far lost in her thoughts. She had to place her hands on her shoulder to bring her back to reality. "Hmmm..." sh

ght be busy with the Procedures." Kassie reasoned. "Yeah, you're right. He must be really busy at the moment so I shouldn

hey worked together and filled the online form for the interview. Giving all he

ttle bit worried and prayed that she would be short listed for the physical interview, for at least one among

Lisa, thanks. But I can't wait for breakfast today, I have an urgent meeting to attend." He replied. "Can you do me a favor and call

ut being bored. He has a meeting with some clients today and wants to be there early. One thing for sure is

him. "Dude, you really do owe me for always coming with you even on weekends when it isn't my job to do that." "I had to cancel my date again, thanks to your last minute call." He complained bitte

here. Get Out." David said to Vivan, who was on the phone. He got down from the car and Davi

le, who came to do one or two things before leaving. They walked to the conference Hall where the meeting would be held. Most of the people were already there why some

ad trouble sleeping last night, for some reasons she don't know about. As if that was

d to the bathroom to wash up. It was the weekend and all she wants to do today, was to sleep through out the day. But she doesn't think that would be possible again. F

ng bath in the bathtub. She came out

d out a short and cropped top. She took them out of her closet and dropped it on her bed before walking to the dressing mirror to apply her b

st took out a box of cereal and milk from the fridge, not in the mood to co

ood morning." She greeted Kassie the moment she noticed her presence in the room. "Morning Sid, you look like you had a fight with a wolf or something." Kassie added. "Thank

for a job from. She has been shortlisted to come for a physical interview. She was excited that she screamed scaring the shit out of Sid. "What's wrong?" "What was that, Kassie?" She asked, so worried. "I've

" "yeah, it is. But, I will try to manage. After all I'm the one in need of a job." "I can't let anyone slide. Since I don't know if I'll be able to get the jobs, So am going for all." She respond. "Am so happy for you girl, am sure you will get the job." Sid said giving her a hug. "Thanks, I hope so too. I need to go shopping. I don't have anything to wear for the interview. I need to l

tired from work and also starving since he hasn't eaten anything in the morning and it is noon already. They decided to make

no sugar, thanks" "Coming up right away, sir." The barista, at the front counter replied before leav

ht of a very beautiful brunette. Although he was more into blondes. But this was an exception. She wasn't wearing any makeup

ng on my face?" She asked. He couldn't even find his voice so he shoked his head in response and she turned

a?" she turned to ask him. But then again he was speechless. All he could think of right now, was her on h

to pay. "For her orders too. Then you can keep the change." "Thank you sit, please do come again." The barista replied happily. She was turned to thank him for his kindness, but he left be

r and left. The city of Toronto is big, but by the look of things he is a very rich person so she knows that she would definitely find him again. And for him to come here to

uck up. Cause he knew he would if she dare comes closer to him again. So, he ordered Michael to start the car without waiting for David.

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