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Word Count: 2607    |    Released on: 15/01/2024

m on Monda

Although, she still have two hours before the interview but, she wouldn't want t

ied her body and hair lotion. She took the suit set she bought from Mini Mart and wore them. She wasn't a fan of makeu

ng to wake you up." She said to Kassie. "Yes I am, and am also ready to go as it is now." She responded. "Well, you need to eat something before you leave. Here, sit let me serve you." Sid offered her a seat close to the counter as she served her a

d as she shove the last bacon into her mouth. "Yes!" she replied. "Alright then, let

thanked her. "Yeah, treat me to a good meal this weekend. We could use that to celebrate, for your new job."

uilding." She replied rudely. "No, I didn't. I definitely have an interview here at VM this morning." Kassie replied while bringing het phone out to show her the email that was sent to her. The receptionist looked at i

er receptionist at a restaurant or motel do." She replied harshly. Now I'd you don't mind, which direction do I go?" She asked. The receptionist was speechless and couldn't even give any comebacks. So, she pointed at the elevator and mouthed

r fifteen please wait in the waiting room Mr. McKinley will come and call you when it's your turn." She replied. Kassandra thanked her as she collected the card given to her with the number 15 written boldly on it. She walked to the waiting room and took a seat like the others there. I guess she wasn'the only one who needed

p of coffee in his right hand and the left hand in the pocket of his pant. The window was a complete glass wall that sees almost the half

"This isn't a motel, or a strip club." It was obvious that he was already getting pissed. "Sir, I think am the best for this job. I could do anything you want, anywhere you want, and anyhow you want it to be." She said trying to convince him. "Really?" he asked. She nodding

me for an interview in a strip club. He pressed the intercom on his desk and David picked immediately. "yes." "I need you in my office now." He ordered and ha

y popular and also known to be the youngest and richest business man in the world. And since a post was seen that you're hiring a P.A definitely, does crushing on you. Will try to get the job. So, as to get a chance to date you." David explained. "Oh yeah, tell me more." "Look, am done. Send the rest home." "Vivan, you can't. just because of a few silly

me back disappointed. Although she wasn't surprised that they

till have to go for another interview by 12.pm. What made her more anxious was that, he only has to call your number a

m her seat. "Sir." She answered raising her right hand up. He

the waiting room. "You can go in." he said opening the door for her. She thanked him and went inside. "Good morning, si

ice sounded like a very sweet Melody to his ears. The same voice that kept him a

im again. He cleared his throat and tried to put himself together, adjusting his collar a little. "Uhmm... sorry, am here for the physical inter

e best the for this job. Can you state the rea

ked. Just to be sure and David nodded. "Please come this way." He replied with a smile. "Thank you so much, sir." "When do I start?" she asked. "Miss. Whitefield, Am sure you are smart enough to know that unnecessary questions are annoying." Vivan said, his attention still focused on the file on his t

jesty. And also his likes and dislikes." "Mind you, if he needs you even during the weekends, you also need to attend to him. Although, the payment for the weekend is different." David explained. "Wait, he works during the weekends too?" she asked and David replied with a nod. "Are you having doubts? If you done feel comfortable

what she was ab

e took her back to the office and showed her, her spot. Her cabin was big and spacious enough. It was inside Vivan's office. Making her wond

call me David, you don't need to be professional with me. And I should be the one thanking you. You just saved me from a lot of stress." He said. "How, I don't understand. I am the one who got the job." She replied smiling at his friendliness. "I have been doing the job of a general manager and also his P.A since he fired

since she has a lot to tell her. "Ahgg...Siiiiddd...I got the job." Kassie screamed excitedly. It

know what company she got a job from. "VM of course, where else do you think." Kassie replied. Sid, squealed again. She was so happy for Kassandra

the highlight of her story. "Yeah, yeah I do. The guy who you said, kept looking at you." Sid, answered recalling the conversation. "He is my boss!" Kassie said. She looked at Kassie with wide eyes. She was speechless for a minute. "Oh my God. Tell me more." Sid said enjoyin

to her room to take a shower. They had dinner and went ahead

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