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Word Count: 2722    |    Released on: 10/06/2023

opular and hottest guy among the senior students,girls are all over him but the difference is,he's not the loud type. Most junior students fall in love with his c

meet your boyfriend" Vanessa said "Come on,I left him coz I was worried and now you're going to ignore me?" Gigi sat down on the bed "I think......I might fail my test" Vanessa muttered emotionally. One thing she hates is failing her tests or exams,she doesn't joke with them at all "Huh? Don't tell me you lost...." "Valentino is the judge and you know what that means" Vanessa muttered "F**k shit" Gigi groaned and Vanessa hugged one of the teddy bears on the bed "What about the supervisors?" Gigi asked "I don't know okay? I left the courtroom,I just.....I wish he dies for real so I can breathe" Vanessa muttered and Gigi sighed "It's okay,I believe something would happen in your favor,Professional Kelly doesn't really tolerate Valentino and you know that" Gigi said,stroking Vanessa's hair •••• Finn and Quinn walked into the mansion hand in hand,they met Otto and Toby in the living room playing video games "Hey Quinn" Otto waved immediately with a cute smile "What are you guys doing? I was expecting you today" Quinn smiled,trying to walk over to them but Finn tightened his grip on her wrist and she stopped "See you later" she smiled and followed Finn "You saw that right?" Toby asked and Otto nodded "Does he know that I like his sister?" He suddenly asked "You like her?" Toby asked and Otto scoffed "When did I say that?" "You're dumb,can we just continue the game already" Toby said. Finn and Quinn entered his room and Quinn fell on the bed immediately "I feel so exhausted even though I only did a minor job" She groaned tiredly "I'm hungry" Finn said "Really? Wanna go out?" Quinn asked "No" Finn joined her on the bed and curled his arm around her waist before pulling her closer "Looking at your face alone will make me full" Finn said and Quinn laughed "You should say that to your girlfriend when you get one,not me" she said "I don't want a girlfriend" Finn scoffed,pulling her more closer "Are you trying to suffocate me right now" Quinn snapped and Finn chuckled "Gosh you're boring" he pushed her off and she landed on the floor "Ouch!" Quinn shouted "Sorry" Finn laughed "Sorry?! If sorry can solve everything,why are we in a law school?" Quinn got back in the bed and climbed on him "You're so dead by the time I'm done with you" She said and started pulling his hair "Hey! That hurts!" Finn screamed "My butt hurts too!" Quinn yelled "Come on,I'm sorry" Finn groaned and Quinn stopped,breathing hardly Finn smiled and made her rest her head on his chest "I'm quite sleepy" Quinn muttered "Sleep right there" Finna said and kissed her hair "My future boyfriend needs to learn from you" Quinn mumbled and Finn rolled his eyes "Are you sleeping?" Quinn asked when she didn't hear his voice. She raised her head up and their eyes met. "You just decided to snub me? One point for you" She scoffed and rest her head on his chest again •••• Vanessa and Gigi are both in the living room,both covered with duvets and mugs of tea in their hands,it was getting cold as the night gets closer so they are just talking about random things. All of a sudden,Vanessa's phone buzzed. She dropped the mug in her hand and took the phone. She let out a groan after checking the mail. "What is it?" Gigi asked "Prof Kelly want me in his office right now" Vanessa said,getting up from the couch "I wonder what he's going to talk about" she muttered "The case of course,I told you right?" Gigi winked and Vanessa rolled her eyes "Can I go this way?" She asked She was putting on a short and a hoodie over it "You look hot...." "Shurrup!" Vanessa snapped and Gigi laughed "Want me to follow you?" "No" Vanessa took her phone and walked out of the mansion. She didn't bother taking the car coz she was planning to make him wait,and maybe luckily he might call and tell her not to worry,but nothing happened. She got to school and then prof Kelly's office. Getting there,she met the last person she would want to see at that moment. Valentino was sitting in front of Prof Kelly's desk looking pissed off "Oh Vanessa,you're here" Prof Kelly said "Yeah" Vanessa muttered,leaning on the wall "Have your seat" Prof Kelly said,pointing at the seat next to Valentino "No,it's fine here" Vanessa immediately said and rolled her eyes at Valentino "Then,let's start. I called you two coz of what happened earlier in the courtroom" Prof Kelly said and none of them say a word "But I must say,Valentino. You acted so unprofessional and you know there's always a penalty for that,your personal feelings should never be there with you inside the courtroom,you shouldn't allow your emotions take the best of you" prof Kelly said "Are we going to do it again?" Vanessa asked "No,we made up our minds already" he said and they both looked up "Vanessa,your fifty marks is intact,together with your teammates" Prof Kelly said and Vanessa almost jumped up in joy "Thanks prof!" She shouted "And Valentino,you're loosing fifty mark,control your emotions next time" Prof Kelly said and Vanessa almost laughed out happily "Is that all?" Valentino asked "You should apologize at least....." "Apologize

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