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Word Count: 2706    |    Released on: 10/06/2023

ansion,they are best friends and also the scho

eck on her" Vanessa said "If you can't find her,then...I will take you home" Giovanni said and Vanessa nodded "Thank you" she smiled and got up. She walked over to where she left Gigi but she's not there,she turned to Quinn and her friends "Babes" She called "Hey Nessa" Quinn smiled "Hey" Erica and Angelique said "Do you guys know where Gigi is?" Vanessa asked "Oh,she left with Nelson just now" Angelique replied and Vanessa sighed "Thank you" She muttered and her phone buzzed immediately,she brought out her phone and checked,Gigi just sent her a message The golden boys walked over to her "Hey queen V" Reed called and Vanessa turned,immediately she saw them,she rolled her eyes "Seriously,she's avoiding us too. Are we Valentino?" Virgil chuckled "What's the difference?" Vanessa scoffed "Oh come on,we just want to say hello" Reed said "Fine,thank you. You can go now" Vanessa rolled her eyes Reed and Virgil walked away Terence lean closer and she frowned "Bye" He whispered and winked at her before leaving. "By the way,are you close with senior Giovan?" Angelique grinned Before Vanessa could reply,Giovanni came over "I guess you can't find her" he asked and Vanessa turned "Yeah she left" She replied "Then,I will take you" Giovanni said and Vanessa nodded "See you girls later" She said and followed Giovanni "Am I the only one or they look cute together?" Quinn smiled "No you're not,it's my first time seeing Vanessa paying attention to a guy,well Senior Giovanni is so perfect for her" Angelique said Erica was drinking but the drink spilled on her shirt "F**k" Erica cursed and stood up "Oh sorry" Quinn said "I need to use the restroom" Erica said "I will go with you" Angelique said and Erica nodded They both left Quinn on the seat Soon,a random guy came over to sit beside her "Hey pretty" He winked at her "Hi" Quinn muttered. On the other hand,Finn was already glaring at the guy sitting with Quinn,his eyes almost popped out when the guy touched her laps "That bastard" he muttered and got up at once "Finn!" Sasha called but he snubbed her and walked straight to Quinn "Hey" He grabbed the guy and pulled him up with his jacket "What the f**k?" The guy throw his hand off and Finn almost punched him "Finn!" Quinn called,making him stop. "Stay away from her,do you get that?!" He yelled and released him roughly before pulling Quinn up "What are you doing...." "I'm taking you back to your room" Finn cut in Quinn sighed out and took her phone before Finn dragged her out "Let go of me" Quinn throw his hand off "I don't understand why you remained quiet even when he was touching you" Finn said looking pissed "Come on twinnie,it's just my laps...." "So what?! Are you saying any f**king guy can touch your laps?!" Finn yelled and Quinn kept quiet "You're shouting already" She muttered and Finn rough his hair "Get in the car" he muttered and Quinn obeyed immediately They both entered and Finn drove off "Hey,are you still angry?" Quinn asked softly Finn kept quiet and continue driving "I'm sorry" Quinn said again but he said nothing He stopped in front of the yellow mansion after some minutes "Get down" He said "Come on Finn" Quinn pouted and sat down on his laps "I said I'm sorry" She said and hugged him Finn immediately wrapped his arms around her "I love you" he muttered and kissed her neck "I love you too" Quinn smiled •••• Giovanni and Vanessa got down from the car together "It's my first time here" Giovanni said "Seriously?" Vanessa asked and Giovanni nodded "May I...come in?" He asked "Sure" Vanessa said and they both walked to the entrance Vanessa opened the door and they entered. "Whoa,amazing" Giovanni said,looking around "You're making it sound like this is the most beautiful mansion in ALS" Vanessa scoffed "I think it is,should we just switch?" Giovanni asked and Vanessa laughed "Never knew you're as funny as this" she said "I'm not funny" Giovanni said and followed Vanessa as she made her way to the fridge She stopped walking and faced him "I might get the wrong idea if you keep following me this way" She said "I just think you're cute" Giovanni said and Vanessa nodded "I know" She smirked and Giovanni giggled "What do I expect? It's not your first time hearing that" he muttered "So....." He began going out with his back "Goodnight" He winked and Vanessa smiled "Bye senior Giovanni" she teased "Don't call me that" she heard him from afar and she chuckled She opened the fridge and took her favorite drink,strawberry juice. She thought about the dance with Giovanni again and smiled. •••• Giovanni walked in and was welcomed by the loud screams from Pierce and Ace. "What the f**k?" Giovanni covered his ears and they laughed "Wow,dude I envy you right now" Pierce said "Why?" Giovanni asked "Come on,I can't believe you got close to Vanessa in just one day,you're the legend here dude,I'm jealous!!" Ace screamed "Stop it" Giovanni muttered but then smiled "He's smiling!!!" Pierce and Ace shouted "She's really cute" Giovanni grinned and they laughed even more loudly "Stop shouting" Giovanni said calmly "Dude,you're blushing" Ace said and Giovanni shook his head "Goodnight" He muttered and went upstairs ••••

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