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Chapter 7 The Sword of Dawn

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 11/06/2023

ing stronger with each passing day. The sky seemed perpetually shrouded in ominous clouds, and the air was heavy with a sense of dread. The wor

rove crucial in the battle against the darkness. Among them were skilled warriors, powerful mages, and cunning strat

in her quest. Among them was the fabled Sword of Dawn, a legendary weapon said to have been forged by the gods themselves.

, preparing themselves for the battles that lay ahead. They trained relentlessly, honing their skills

the sinister power she had unleashed. Through meditation and the guidance of her allies, she learned to wal

inger of darkness. Earthquakes shook the land, the seas churned with unnatural fury, and the sky was filled with the cries of f

es unlike anything the world had ever seen. The harbinger of darkness, a being of unimaginable power and malevolence, stood

that the odds were stacked against them, and that the battle ahead would be the greatest challenge they had ever faced. But they

of darkness. The creature towered over her, its form a swirling mass of shadows that seemed to defy the very laws of

arged forward, determined to banish the harbinger of darkness and its army of nightmarish creatures with each move the harbinger of darkn

adful move and reached to the heart of the darkness. As she reached out, she could feel the power of evil pressing down upon her, threatening to over

Sparks flew as the two forces battled, each vying for supremacy. But Ava refused to give

reating from the light of the Sword of Dawn. With a final burst of energy, Ava struck the final blow, b

awn, feeling a sense of relief and exhaustion wash over her. She looked around

ote of disbelief in her vo

g that something wasn't quite right. She turned to look at the spot where the harbinge

. As she did, the darkness seemed to coalesce around the sword, and with a blinding

ad done it. She had saved her people from the darkness that had threatened to consume them all.

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