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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1612    |    Released on: 15/06/2023


rangled cry escaped my lips, the throbbing pain fading into a burn as their laughs crackled around me. It

tic" The girl that stomped on me got out and spat on my f

y snarled and I winced, letting out a sharp hiss when his hand twisted

te family? Newsflash, doll face! Your family is nothing! Do you hear me? Without the money my father invested in your stupid family

pped on my face, my head reeling. He was saying something, but everything hit me like a buzz. Nasty words

st try to be useful for once in your life now that we know he likes you. He pushed for the investment Brea, so do not

They always targeted me, the girl that was never good enough, the girl who wasn'

d, then two more punches. "I am going to make you my bitch whether you like it or

rything In my veins, and it suffocated me. I couldn't breathe, and my hand just work

th unfamiliar precision jabbed it into his throat as he pulled hi

aded a little until the scream picked up, crescendoing to

s hand wrapping tightly around the end of the pencil, but I felt nothing, no remors


er what I told you" she yelled as she shook me harshly be

He wouldn't stop hi

y teeth sunk into my lips. I tasted blood and my heart cea

too. He hit you? Couldn't you take a little beating? Huh? Are you that weak?

y did was graze it. A mantra repeated itself in my head. He cannot hurt you anymore. He cann

nd I'm going to make sure I fix you. I will fix you until you are right again" she stated, then looke

t from here

ed, and left the room wi



She didn't look happy to see me, just as it had always been,

and hug me, but she just stood w

I was going to make Momma believe

child who smiled wildly at me. "He's been well-behaved ever sin

r eyes are amazing" he state

ering because he wa

mma. Please, I am sorry for eve

u make one more mistake, you're going to be left here to rot" she threatened and let go of me.

, you better do what I tell you" she said, then yanked the door of the car open.

r me, his gaze ling

"You freaking ruined our lives. Markus here is the only one

."Yes ma'am" I choked out and she rol

her Dad. If I fucked this up, then it would be all over for me. I shuddered as I thought back to the days I spent in

ged once I stood

ction, the lack of interest

tly. "Are you by cha

their gaze glued to mine, an un

bbed from behind, the grip of my assailant cutting off my

next time you dare to disrespect me" The sharp edge of the blade pressed at the soft skin near my ear, then sliced through. "I'll do more than this," she said and shoved me, her eye

d and it was like my ol

or this semester" Ana announced with a giggle, dumpe

failing Mother. If she found out abou

in my chest, urging me to do something crazy

tened, but I will find a way. I was going to achieve the impossible

hurt me was

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