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Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1621    |    Released on: 15/06/2023



ain-filled, and yet, it symbolized a turning point in my life. The trashcan she'd

er big toe had an ugly gash- it was almost split in half and even as her voice rang out for help

both of them just staring at Ana as if she was an alien they had not seen in their lives before. It was hard to imagine that this was th

forehead and dropped into her eyes. She blinked, every action she took coated in pain. She forced her eyes to focus on me and for the first time, we were

sp my shirt, her blood leaving ugly stains against the plain white fabric. I cursed inwardly. Even if she was hurt,

fect little face that she bragged so much about, and I nodded quickly, helped her to he

les making every one of them squirmy, while others avoided even making eye co

y one to help her. It was the only way she'd ever look at me and see me as a real person, heck we might eve

first place. She deserved it a hundred percent and I didn't even feel an ounce of guilt about it. Hu

cident, and once I got her to completely trust me, then it would be all over. I would control, and make sure that I was the

brought a smile to my face. It was such a pretty sight, to be honest, and Ana deserved to bleed a little for everything she had done. She should even be grateful that I deci

her blood kept seepi

to bleed

this, Ana," I got out determinedly, let go of her hand, and took a step away from her to walk around the room, my gaze darti

the items uneasily a

se that? Maybe we sho

because I'd knocked her unconscious in the storage room. It w

of wood and placed

r brows drawing

h," I warned but didn't give her enough time to comply before

on her blood as her teeth

ed words of reassurance into her ears. I pressed her gaping flesh together and wrapped a bandage around it. I would have se

d finally stopped appearing on

n she spoke. "I feel li

r whole body was plastered against mine tiredly. "I'll be right

d after some seconds passed. "I've

it took was almost losing a toe. I ru

to be your friend, and even tho you were mean to me, I couldn

n't do anything, they just watched me..." Her voice caught in her throat, a

but look at me, I don't want anything but your friendship. I won't

pid... " She paused, her throat working as I stared at her p

best option all on her own. The other option would have been for her to insist that sh

a. I was so naive... C

I nodded and she sighed in relief befo

d into the room, a look

t now," I explained the situation and sh

ake it from here, you

ers of my lips. Everything was perfect just the way I'd envisioned it. Sh

e problems, but I highly doubt that she will, not with

always go with the second option a

thing jeopardize that and have them send me away again. It had been

a fun year. At least now I knew the beating and insults were going to s

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