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Rising Phoenix

Rising Phoenix

Author: Anshi Hind

Chapter 1 Prologue; Reawakening Of Demon

Word Count: 1388    |    Released on: 18/06/2023

n palpable as she stepped out into the world, ready to reclaim her life and seek justice for the grave injustice done to her. In her eyes, which had once overflowed with helples

ropelled forward by the burning desire to clear her name

made a solemn vow to hold those who had wronged her accountable, ensuring they faced the consequences of their heinous actions. The road to vindication would be fraught with unexpected twists and tu

focus remained on the annihilation of those who had turned her life into a living nightmare. Only their destruction could bring her the peace her tormented soul yearned for. The realization dawned upon her that this journey to clear her name would be anything but easy as she made her way closer to the heart of the city. She waged a

She had transformed into a force of reckoning, driven by an insatiable thirst for vengeance. An electrifying energy crackled in the air around her, a dangerous thrill that sent shivers down the spines of those who caught a glimpse. Her resolve g

re helpless and weak. Through her example, she would shed light on the immense power and strength that resided within them. Like the formidable goddess Durga, she personified an embodiment of unwavering resolve and grace. Yet, she understood the perils of retaliating with a blind vengeance, full

s memories. In the days of yore, she had spent blissful weekends in this very sanctuary. Little did she fathom that he

ined she would revisit this haven, stripped of her former glory, a mere shell of her former self. The place that had

by time, but an undeniable sense of loneliness and hopelessness permeated the air. Her time in prison had left her unrecognizable—severe malnutrit

receptionist, with a scowl on her face, looked her up and down, her gaze dripping with disdain. In a

pression, "Isn't it free to stay here?" She couldn't co

orting, "Oh, this is a charity program we've set up for repulsive creatures li

started by the Miller group?" the girl ventu

th a hint of exasperation, she explained, "That was

s. They showed no remorse as they transformed charitable endeavors into profit-driven enterprises. Their audacity further fueled her disdain, providing her with the utmost justification to dismantle th

her and the erasure of her parents' benevolent legacy. She felt an indescribable sense of betrayal

vengeful force, stopping at nothing to make them pay for the pain and torment they had inflicted upon her. There would

. And yet, she would ensure that they lost everything, even the very things they held dear. They would be haunted by their actions, unable to meet anyone's gaze. Every waking moment

se them just as they had once used her, dismantling their lives beyond repair. Let the game

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