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Replacement Twin For Billionaire

Replacement Twin For Billionaire


Chapter 1 Challenge of Life

Word Count: 1758    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

one peeked into the dishwashing area

s. We have a lot of customers t

nd, "It looks like we will have

is long because it's December. There's still

ave a day off o

ldn't be off work that day. "The boss said there is, but we onl

though we only have half a day?

ause Eric and I have a date. It was supposed to be

is still a chance at night, Lily, so you still ha

t her. "You're right; it turns out that Eric and I go

rt washing the dishes again." Lily left her, and she started to wash again. Sh

sed on to the other company. This small restaurant was the only one that accepted her, even though she had only finished elementary school. Sandy's life can't be said to be easy because her salary for one day is depleted. After all,

ed at the people eating. Lily was right; they had a lot of cust

ed. It didn't take long before she came out and was walking the road to the taxi. Their house was

it looked like she had waited for her again. She sighed softly and approached the small table with a lighted candle in the middle that was also in the liv

ot able to eat on time because she eats at the restaurant for lunch anyway, but her mother can only eat if they have leftovers every night, so when it runs out n

as very tired, but she couldn't rest because they wouldn't survive if she stopped even for a day.

er. Her eyes are blurry because of her

t she held them back so her moth

the table. She sat in the seat

bag. She took a plate, a bowl, and a spoon. "Not yet; I just arrived,

te first because

long as we eat dinner

mother spoke again: "Are you okay? I notice

the dish in the bowl

like you're crying?

ast, my eyes caught a little something; that's why my eyes

hter while Sandy spooned rice. Sh

mother used before she went to her room. She also sat and

ouse in a remote area. It's dark and full

broken door of the house before go

has a pointed nose, thin lips, wide eyes, slightly thick eyebrows, and tanned skin.

you know what time it is? What are y

ious; her hands were slightly shaking,

ith you, and you'r

nie. "He found out w

said. "Don't tease me like that, Madelaine

und this place, and you need to get out of here

I've been hiding

e wealth he has, it's easy

s. "Where am I going?" There wa

t for now, let's

gs and put them in a backpack. She first put on a jacket with

st checked if the leftover dish from last night was still okay, and when it wa

open and there are already people eating, so even if she just a

sat down on one side. Lily suddenly came

rning to

y, it's Christmas day." Lily's face

cited about

it's only for half a day; the next day it's working again, so

y tom

d slowly approached her.

don't you have

ority right now, and besides, I can't stand it

sn't pay enough for a day. I have two siblings, so I don't have too

r a long time, which

Who would think that you

king about? Go ba

have to go back because I have a new customer.

shaped lips, and when she smiles, it's like seeing an angel get off the ground. Her skin is also white, and there is no trace of a scar. Sandy'

to clean. She stood up and started to take some pans because, in a few hours, they will be used again to cook something new in their res

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