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Replacement Twin For Billionaire

Chapter 4 Problem In Factory

Word Count: 1649    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

k porridge was also based on the vegetables included, b

ly wage is not enough, I was not treated like a non-human." Tears fell again while sh

eat, especially if it is hard. She endured because she needed to

use he had gone to work early. There was a ma

was drinking wine, som

cohol was breakfast no

e turned his chair to see Calix better becau

ood morning, why are you drinking

ust tasted it. It's oka

e stared at him. "

again. "Because there was a malfunction in my wi

ckly shifted to


ou happy to s

know why I shouldn't be happy now that I've seen h

s grip on the glass. "You kno

ow. It's good for her to experience the pain to at least alleviate the suffering I suffered. You were a witness

ven a little love

love the woman who tried to bring you down with the love you say?" Calix, on the other hand, was silenced by what

ents later someone was knocking on th

eeded to know. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation with Sir Cali

n the glass. "Okay, jus


g. "I'm sorry, Calix; I didn't ask what your purpose is here in my office. Maybe we'll meet again ne

Brix. Your problem is more important than what I



n I can, but right

side the building

as he and Calix left the office. Calix just w

ctory. He immediately got out of the car and continued inside a huge wi

ory approached him.


my office. It

ndered around, and even his

on the monoblock, he spoke im

their boss was too serious. He thinks that if he

the labels o

ned. "S

as supposed to be on the wine ended up on the spirit bottle. Right n

rong name. There's wine i

actory was swallo

w m

estion. It closed its eyes before sayin

bout their mistake. "You probably know that it's hard t


n the table. "Why was

itored the labeling of the names

The size difference between wine bottles and s

was angry. "Fix it, Lorenzo; if not, tomorrow you'll


wine and spirits with the wrong labeling. Make a way for the bottle to remove the sticker." He stared into his staff's eyes. "Or if

his secretary. The one he called Lorenzo

e car back to his buildi

ou want to

t was eleven o'clock in the morning,

od, and then the two of them just waited. Their order takes a long time because it's still being cook

tary, Jenny, asked, "Sir, I noticed that you are no

rant because its pillars wer

s stunne


still looking outside, and she seemed to have a tinge o

last n

with food placed on their table. She didn't continue because Brix imm

a job. She graduated from business administration school and has the experience, so if she left her job right now

He designed various designs himself; everything displayed in that shop was his design, so he is also one of the richest people in the world because of his two businesses. Even in discovering new flavors of alcohol, he is also

nued to enter the building and only nodded in response. He

e," he sai


that is not finished yet because he stopped at the coll

he past few months, he has not been able to release a new design in

put aside the sketchbook, took the bag containing the laptop, and left the office. His sec

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