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Mafia's Revenge: Unforseen Love

Chapter 3 Just A Misunderstanding!

Word Count: 2075    |    Released on: 29/06/2023


ing at my door," I muttered gazing downwards before scooting out of the living room.

y clenched chest. I felt guilty seeing the look in my mother's eyes when I spoke to her but I couldn't help it, I would never have believed in a thousand years if someone had told me

g to do. I was closer to my dad though, we bonded so much maybe it was because we were just so similar, I looked a lot like him except that I had my mom's height and Rio was my mom's carbon copy but the only thing he took from our dad was his height. Rio was just sixteen but he

d I was when they told me that I was going to have a baby brother and I guessed it was because I was tired of being the baby of the house and also because I felt Adonis my older brother would have someone else to worry about and worry less about me. I was six years older than Rio but I didn't look it, wheneve

conversation but I knew refusing to pick up the call wasn't a great idea. I couldn't help but wonder if Adonis knew about all that was going on because despite the fact that he was out of the country most times he knew a lot more about stuff going on in the man

on my face as I picked up the call and

the fake smile?" A slight f

ied to smile, I should hav

tatement since I knew giving a reply was going

t get to finish his statement as I hea

I can't

at now, even your girlfriend doe

on a call." He mumbled before retu

you that Audrey is not my girlfrie

she doing at your house? Do

e. Don't try to make this call about

asked his voice

't know," I rep

nacing tone. Adonis sounded so much like our dad whenever he was maki

aware that I br

u?" I asked with

e about your breakup with Greg. Well, she didn't, Sofia did but don't get mad

ve told that blabbermouth t

reshen up I just got back home and I've

u. You are angry with Dad over something that is not his fault and I know how hard it

ll, tell me my dearest big brother how would you feel if you found out t

ical and complicated the whole thing was we decided to pause a bit before manufacturing more pieces of jewellery of that kind. If there is anyone you are to be mad at it's me Aly and not Dad. Trust me I've never tracked your whereabouts before. When I got to know about this I remembered the earri

was no justification for what I did to my family and my Dad. First I snuck out of the house and when I got back gave them attitudes and

the house through the secret tunnel, I only told th

at Adonis whose brows knitted bu

to make you feel guilty I did it to make you see your mistakes and fix them. I know everything will be fine, I'

ro," I muttered s

ing to? You'll be late for th

y," he a

before I liked her. Apart from the fact that I perceived her to be a nice person, I liked her b

worried since this morning, he has been so moody until yo


rself. I'll be downstairs Addie,"


is," Adonis lips w

e," I teased and Adoni

to be happy to hear that her beloved A

pointing his finger at the scree

ips and his brows snapped together. I couldn't blame Adonis for his reaction, Mom coul

Dad right?"I a

before continui

ly telling Mom, Dad, tells her everything. I le

from Mom and Dad we made sure not to let anyone of them know about it and certainly not Rio as well. If

growing love story is sa

o a hard time." Adonis chu


pe Rio giving me a hard time. Well, he is my beloved ba

d," Look who went from being li

lady did,"

on't want to get a lady angry," I

re for you. Well then bye. I love you. My regar

miled before hanging up a

it was my Dad, I needed no one to tell me I

Dad," I

took a deep breath as the doo

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