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Taming His Vengeful Dragon Luna

Taming His Vengeful Dragon Luna

Author: Pop Corn

Chapter 1 The Wish

Word Count: 1185    |    Released on: 20/06/2023


that tree would be tired of me and wilter itself. Beca

th. Only if the goddess can grant this w

heard her calling my name countless number of times, but, I rather pretend

s flowers

e by. I sprung up, holding the pretty flowers in my hands. Immediately, she appeared in front of me, wearing he

I lowered my head in respect. She grabbed them from my hand

She asked, growling. She exposed her gold eyes in the process, just to scare me. Well, it doesn'

wear a so

you? I'm born to respect and

e when I say that. It's like her weak point. She turne

it for my crown. The prince

ow, we are alone in the small garden. Her

ou haven't still seen

still bowing my head. She scoffed and walked

clocked 18. Why is your

lady" I replied wi

r" She said. I rolled my eyes and raised my head to stare at her. I hate when she talks about sister and family. It annoys me, especially when it remin

I said and walked away. She gra

do whenever I'm not around? D

t a question for me to answer. All the prince ever did

yourself? You're his

ince for me till our crowning ceremony then, you'll leave the palace and live your

always gentle and nice whenever people are around him but, he's a big ba

n my mate. I just need to wait for him to find me, t

er older sister. Dad disowned me the day he handed me to his majesty. So, I'm no longer Gatlin. I'm just a girl without a last name. I head into the palace, finding something for me to do. Just anythi

rince Gerald and make sure

lling me to come to him. I walked to

I smiled and walked away

. The prince was just busy staring i

you here on my birthday. I'd like to say a very big thank you for celebrating

grabbed his chest and the cup fell fr

fell. His majesty's Beta also rushed

Beta announced. My tray fell from my

ed at me with his hateful eyes. It's t

a story for

er!" He

breath. Two guards grabbe

me slowly as the guards

ce, what

at moment. No word could come out from my mouth. Tears build up at the c

ked at me with hatred and disappointment. Only Ivy wore mockin

They dragged me away. I turned to stare at th

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