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Taming His Vengeful Dragon Luna

Chapter 3 My Slave, My Mate

Word Count: 1344    |    Released on: 20/06/2023


w excited Ivy would be . But, I can't be there to see it. I folded my legs, hiding in the corner of the dungeon. It was cold and filled

ce all I do is run around, doing work

ro. I know him. He follows prince Gerald everywhere h

s prisoner" he said to the guards. His cal

had no idea when the door was o

e snappe

nd rushed out, beating the

is majesty would

t poison the king. I was deep in thoughts as I wal

rald, sitting on the throne. He wasn't Alp

gs your

also kind enough to ask for your releas

y?" I

get your mate

that. I swallowed hard

You are only to work for me and only me. No other perso

ized them. They are Prince

ungest one. He bowed and Gerald just nod his head, without smiling at

my face away from him, trying not to remember what

ack. Please, feel

g his brothers. Collins sm

o but, he recognised me.

art was beating rapidly. I'm sure

ce" I bowed and tu

d him

n an hour" he wh

tall already" Collins said, raising

my shoulder

brothers so well?"

I came here" I replied,

to her new quarters

ow, I can't wait to see where my new place was. My eyes couldn't stop staring at

ll alive?"

I greeted her, negl

astro" she s

esty private maid" he said. He just called my

want to speak with her. N

d at me and

majesty? Why did he ma

Aren't you his fu

t there, find your mate and get the fuck

ave, till someone grabbed me from the wall. He covered my mouth with his soft

ou doing?"

ike you didn't miss me?

top jumping into conc

st and pulled me

me? I need to obey his majesty and find my mate so I can leave here quick. I do

ur. Excuse me" I said

lled my name repeatedly

than the whole of the palace maid quarters. I just pray to find my mate and leave

wearing a towel. The prince barge in. His majestic rob

yelled, gripping m

oying your new room" he s

Thank you for your

y room. I slowly adjusted my towel. The kin

e soon but no, he sa

u here, you

and mind led me here. I'm perceiving my mate scent

a mate yet. I haven'

' everytime I get closer to you. Ever sin

king. I haven't phased ye

and walked c

mate?" He asked me, grabbing my throat.

trying to free myself from his deadly grip. He rather keep me

olf Pack, hereby reject you, Daphne whateve

He was waiting for me

sty..." I

ection!" He yelled, gr

mise to let me g

u'll leave fro

ejection" I said. His hand immediately

You are a Gatl

r majesty


dy. He didn't even wait for my explanation. Why shou

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