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His Luna or son?


Word Count: 1138    |    Released on: 22/07/2023


anything more than what I had but I was a fool back then. 18 years ago I was told I will be alpha because the future Alpha l

or at least that is what I tell myself. I looked around for my girlfriend but a part of me knew it was better this way. This pa

from one of the richest pack, I used that to build myself a big house and training grounds for my pack members. Bu

no longer a wolf so why hang around someone who can kill you if you piss him off? He was my eyes an

soon to be Alpha. I am the Alpha, although I was adopted by the packs beta I was an omega at heart. I have, no my mate has a son... We don't h

he ruthless JORDAN BLACK to be at the very top. I need to know

d my "son", Dean. He is big and he has been training since he was 7 years of age. I hear he finally got a mate and pup after all this years. His 7

to build a strong pack I realized it's useless. Why start from zero when you can just take ? I mean he can't refuse the com

una. I asked for refuge for my family, it's a lie they are perfectly safe back home but I need eyes here. But

g more like a stadium. They called it the pack center, to be honest everything is big. The houses, the mall basically the whole pack is big. I want it. We got there and jordan

s armed to the teeth, I mean one warrior can take out an entire pack. This place is protected, they spotted us before we even saw the pack boarder. I wan

a smallish boy. Silver eyes, blond hair and a tattoo of a wolf on his back . The

n turned up the heat and he finally got a punch through, he clawed the boy on the face. His healing was super fast,

of brutality you hear from old people telling stories to scare you to sleep. He clawed at Dean like a piece of meat, Dean pushed him off and shif

ean, kneeled next to him and asked him " still want to go continue?" My poor mate Ruth was crying, the elders wer

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